The reality of Christ

5 months ago

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The reality of Christ

Prophetic word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf
7th of August 2024 05.55

The reality of Christ is going to be fulfilled and visible for the Remnant, the elect here on Earth. My sons will be revealed in this hour.

Soon My children My glory will fill the Earth. My angel armies are ready for My signal.

Soon, there will be no atheist left on the Earth, because the knowledge of Me will be flooding the whole Earth.

I Am reversing the lies of what Satan made. The heliocentric lies will be taken down and erased by Me.

It is written that everyone on Earth will see My Son Yeshua Hamashiach come down to the Olive-mountain in Jerusalem so it means that I made the Earth as a disc and there is a firmament.

The agreement between the nation's that the inhabitants of Earth were not allowed to explore the Antarktis. I AM destroying that agreement because the whole Earth is mine and the fullness of it, says the Lord of Host.

The greatest wealth transfer will take place on the Earth before the greatest Harvest in world history. All the inhabitants of the Earth will see My glory, but there will still be people who will not acknowledge Me. They will be in the tribulation.

I Am coming for a Bride that is preparing Herself for war.
She is no longer beaten, poor or held down. She is a victorious warrior Bride and She will be a reflection of Me.

I will let the hidden things be known about everything that has been held back from the enemies camp.

Every hidden technology and knowledge will be in the open and My people, who are called by My Name who knows Me.

I will let My People advance in My Kingdom. I let the revelation knowledge be known to My Remnants.

My Kingdom is unshakable, My Kingdom is undeniable, My Kingdom is immutable.

My glory, My glory, My glory!
I have a Kingdom that will not be shaken because I Am the Rock of Ages.

I Am the reality of Jesus, Your Messiah. I AM THAT I AM. The burning bush, the pillar of Fire and the pillar of Cloud. I AM your light in the darkness and I Am your shadow in the day.

My Children, I still have a lot to say. There will be great turnarounds for many. Your prodigals will come home. Your lost will return to Me. Your bowls of prayers will be poured out upon you.

The things you thought were lost will be found. What Satan stole from you and your family through generations, yes since in the Garden of Eden will be given back to you.

The prophets who has spoken of Me about the outpouring are for now.

My Children know the timing. Ask Me for giving you the knowledge of My Time and the wisdom to handle the wealth. Ask Me for a deeper Revelation of Me.

My Children, get ready, get ready, get ready! It is time to work while there is still time left.

(in this message I can smell a wonderful fragrance. I have never experienced this before!)

Numbers 14:21
Genesis 1:6-8 Amp
Job 38:4
Job 37:18
Job 9:6,8
Habakkuk 2:14

2 Samuel 22:10
1 Sam 2:8
Psalm 75:3
Psalm 18:9
Psalm 104:2
Psalm 144:5
Isaiah 11:9
Isaiah 40:22
Isaiah 42:5
Isaiah 44:24
Isaiah 45:12
Isaiah 48:13
Isaiah 51:13
Jeremiah 10:12
Jeremiah 51:15
Ezekiel 1:22
Zechariah 12:1

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