5 months ago

This is how bicyclists get killed. Here a racer ignores the corner refuge island.. The light was solid red before he pushed through without even looking both ways. These supposedly highly competent elite high speed racing cyclists will not ride within any raised median bike lane because they are trying to build speed. There is no bike lane that will protect racers who ride in traffic lanes on busy streets. The recent tragic death of Daniel Frost happened because he was riding in early morning darkness in the street right alongside a vertically protected bike lane. If he had been in the bike lane, he would not have been hit from behind by a truck. We are wasting millions of our precious bond funds building these dangerous bike lanes on busy arterial streets. The E. 1st Street bike lane is NOT safe for motorized vehicles or for bicyclists. In the meatime many more pedestrians and bicycle riders risk their lives every day going up and down Beach Street ... which does not even have a side walk!

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