Doorway to Heaven

6 months ago

When unable to murder by vax or ventilators, starvation was the weapon of choice during C19 biowar attack lockdowns in hospitals, nursing homes and home health. Or cutting out beating hearts for $5M profit. As my parents and gf found out. 200 lawyers refused to take my 3 wrongful death medical malpractice cases. Police and 3 DAs refused to prosecute my 3 homicide complaints, while police protected the serial killers. They were probably counted as "Covid19 deaths" to scam a Government murder bonus. Another gf died in ER waiting room waiting on a dr, where another gf sitting in her car was gunshot by police for a parking ticket while legally parked. My current fav gf was vax lethal injection last month, but 100 drs refused to treat her schizophrenia, after suiciding 31 times "blue and dead" an ER dr wrote. She hangs out with Jesus often, he says she cant stay, not yet, and she says Heaven is full of puppies.

YOGA DEMONS -- Switching alter personalities, A Day in the Life of Schizophrenia, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Substance Use Disorder, Pedophilia, Sex Trafficking on every TV network by the Kardashians and tranny sodomite Bruce Jenner with an indicted rapist and attempted murderer who fled USA, MKULTRA, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Demon Possession. 100 drs refused her treatment, only torture in 50 jails and prisons. Proof that yoga is ancient MKULTRA manufacturing psychosis, multiple personality disorder, schizophrenia and demonic possession. 3.5 hours documentary by Pirate News TV.

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