Exciting News: Vote for 'The Gift' in UK Talk Radio's Top 100 Books of 2024! (Ep. #0030a)

13 days ago

I’m incredibly excited to announce that “The Gift” has been selected as one of UK Talk Radio’s Top 100 Books of 2024! This is a monumental achievement, and I couldn’t have reached this point without the support of amazing readers like you. Now, I need your help to take it even further!

UK Talk Radio is giving YOU the power to vote and help "The Gift" climb the ranks, spreading its message of hope, resilience, and transformation to more readers. Every vote counts, and with your support, we can make “The Gift” shine even brighter in 2024. There is no cash prize and there is no monetary reward. It’s just a way to help spread the message of “hope!”

1) GO to this UK Talk Radio LINK: https://uktalkradio.org/
2) FIND "The Gift" in the list of books.
3) CLICK the green arrow next to my book to cast your vote.
NOTE: You can vote ONCE EVERY 24 HOURS, so feel free to come back each day to give "The Gift" another boost. The higher we rank, the more lives this book can touch. Let’s spread its powerful message together!

Thank you so much for your continued support. Whether you’ve already read “The Gift” or it’s still on your to-read list, every vote helps. Together, we can make "The Gift" a true standout of 2024!

I'm excited to share that I've also launched a podcast “The Gift with Laurence N. Kaldor,” where I discuss the themes explored in “The Gift” and dive deeper into today's pressing issues. While many episodes are available on YouTube, some content can't be posted here due to restrictive policies. For a complete playlist, including exclusive episodes, visit my Rumble channel. Links to my podcast and the first 10 episodes are provided below.

“The Gift with Laurence N. Kaldor” Rumble Channel: https://rumble.com/c/c-6665485
***Note*** For unrestricted content and full access to all episodes, including those that can't be shared on YouTube, please follow me on Rumble. https://rumble.com/c/c-6665485

Remember: everyone wakes up at their own pace. Let’s educate and empower together.
Like, Join, Comment, and SHARE, SHARE, SHARE!

God Bless America. God Bless this podcast. And God Bless you!

“The Gift: The story is the plane crash. The Message is hope!”
• Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CPD9KG46 (Hardcover, Paperback, Kindle)
• Chapter 1 (Audio) is online FREE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjcBMrzjXd8&t=2s
• FULL Audiobook only available at: www.thegiftthebook.com

The Gift; UK Talk Radio; Top 100 Books 2024; Laurence M. Kaldor; book voting; book lovers; readers community; hope and resilience; book chart; vote daily; inspirational books

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