Mercy on a Stiffnecked People – Deut. Chpt. 9

5 months ago

The old testament can be difficult to read given that there sees to be so many stories we would consider negative. The story in today's text is no exception. Despite the negatives – which are tied mostly to Israel's behavior – there is an underlying positive as well: God's grace. Israel is a stiffnecked (stubborn and rebellious) people. Yet thanks to his promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, God puts up with it. He blesses Israel anyway. Why? Because God is good.

Reading through Exodus and Deuteronomy reminds me of when my own kids were young. Like most parents, Ellen and I felt like all we did was discipline when our kids were 2-3 years old. It felt like the discipline was never ending. But we did it because we loved our kids. We knew proper discipline when they were toddlers would result in children with good character, children who would grow into adults with good character. Throughout most of the OT, Israel behaves like a 2-year old toddler. She is stiffnecked and stubborn. She needs discipline. But she needs God's mercy, too.

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