Dismantling of the Governments

6 months ago

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Dismantling of the Governments

Prophetic word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf
29th August 2024 03.26

Oh nations of the Earth. Prepare yourself for the Glory of God.

Open your ancient gates the King of Kings is entering the Earth with His kabod.

Take heed of the sound of many waters. My Angel Armies has now been sent out to dismantle the Governments because My Kingdom is coming.

There is a shift taking place in the Heavenlies and the chariots of Fire are getting ready to dismantle the ungodly, corrupt and evil Governments.

My Eyes have been going to and fro on the Earth. My fire is a consuming fire. Splendor, glory and honor and righteousness are going before Me.

The truth of your governments are about to flood the media like never before. Non Government Organizations are about to be shaken down to the core.

Psalm 24
Daniel 2:21
Exodus 3:1-5

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