It`s time for Haman to be hung on the gallow

4 months ago

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It's time for Haman to be hung on the gallow

Prophetic word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf
23rd of August 2024 00.20

It's time for Haman to be hung on the gallow. The tide has turned. I have send My angel armies into the enemy's camp.

It's time for exposure after exposure to be released. The enemies are screaming like never before.

When a thief is caught in his act he also has to pay seven fold back plus his wealth.

When the enemy is exposed then you can take back what is rightfully yours. Take the spoils from your enemies.

The gallows that Haman has prepared for Mordechai will be turned against himself.

Now, My children, it is time to be prepared for the glory to hit the Earth. It is My Glory, My kabod, My latter rain will be fulfilled as My prophets has foretold.

I wrote the end from the beginning. Right now, I AM THAT I AM, I am preparing My Bride for the wedding.

The crash of the stock market has already begun, the collapse after collapse of the banks will be like the dominoes that will fall.

WATCH the gold!

The mighty blow from the whistleblowers will be like a storm that the enemies didn't see is coming. They will be taken by surprise.

The shaking and eruptions are on many levels. Yes, it is already here. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken.

I AM shaking you to wake you up! I say:"Wake up, wake up, wake up!".

Some of you are asking Me, Am I still sleeping?
Can you hear the trumpet sound? Will you escape a house when it is burning?!

In this hour I AM raising up a Remnant that is willing to be obedient unto death. My Remnants is My Bride in whom I have prepared for the wedding.

She is ready to go out to invite the blind, the disabled, the Deaf, the mute, the poor, the young and the old to the wedding in the Kingdom.

Haman, your time is up! Pharaoh, your time is up!

It's time for the eagles to rise! Blow the shofar! It's time to stand!
I AM accelerating the time.
The time is pregnant with promises to be fulfilled.

2024 is the year of open doors and more. Breakthroughs are coming. Settlements are coming, land is given, people will be given, animals will be given. Get ready for your future.

Esther 7:10
Matthew 25:1
Matthew 22:1-14

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