Minecraft Rulecraft Ep 1062 Nuclear Joestar Defeat's Kratos

17 days ago

To my haters who cant stand jesus and worship a false god
my oc is more powerful then your god of war.
Nuclear Hurricane Of Arda Ruler of the rulecraft earth
She enacts the will of god in this world with her male counterpart dracula
She was the first of the gods to arrive she was the most powerful of them all her name means most powerful force in the universe. Nuclear Hurricane Of Arda is above the universe the multiverse the outerverse and omniverse and beyond god himself. Nuclear Hurricane Becomes More Powerful then god Nuclear Hurricane was even an actual person but a world destroying magician that evolved because god left humans those who knew of this godlike entity will always remember nuclear Hurricane for its badassery and terrifying power The gods became extinct, their bodies dissolving into goo and disappearing from existence. But they left behind something else, something more powerful than them - Nuclear Hurricane, god-force born of nuclear energy. She went on to become the most powerful force in exitsence. Nothing in the universe she was born was left. Now, Nuclear Hurricane rules over everyting that exists, having burned all other gods to cinders along with the rest of the omniverse and outerverse beings, and has become the most powerful force in the entire multiverse. Nuclear Hurricane rules the skies and keeps her minions under control. ome say she is the last living god, others believe She is the one true God. ut what She found there? Some kind of strange energy field. She took it in her hands and absorbed it, using it to fuel Her powers to unimaginable heights. She was so powerful that She could take apart everything that exists itself. In fact, she did exactly that. Nuclear Hurricane tore open space and time and destroyed everything that was a threat to her or Novel Kars or some c***t basket like medaka she purged anything related to this issue. Nuclear Hurricane destroys multiverse and survives because it is too strong and indestructible. It can just absorb the explosion, grow stronger and stronger. Nuclear hurricane plunges the world into a time loop where she can control humanity for the rest of their lives and begins to reanimate all dead deities. It becomes a new race that could lead to the end of her enemies nuclear eats all the dead deites and absorbs their powers and becomes more powerful and is unbreakable. God dies by Nuclear Hurricane in order to prevent her from losing the war. where every god is eaten by nuclear hurricane and Nuclear Hurricane retaliates by killing all the gods that rule the universe and absorbs their power and gets upgrades. rules the universe and this is the end of the world but nuclear hurricane is also the rebirth of a new world. Nuclear Hurricane was born out of nuclear energy, which is why she loves anything related to the stuff. Some people think that Nuclear Hurricane is actually a living embodiment of nuclear energy herself, which explains why she likes to spend time around things that produce nuclear explosions.

The Song of the one!
The God Titan of Shadows hidden and grim i am darkness The Lord of Shadows and the gloom Dominator of the light, clarity ,love,creation and time I command the Army of Darkness and light and atoms created from darkness and light and atoms itself The black horseman of the Apocalypse serve me They rally by the thousands to me I send them to all, what lives and exists in this world therewith all fall to the power of darkness When your life comes to an end and the storm of darkness blows your last breaths away we remain with you climb into your coffins with you stay by your side, when you fall to Hell and your sick souls are refused Paradise we are shadows of water and stones increasing as the rats and grubs in your bones I am the darkness the God titan controller of the light,love,creation clarity and time the God titan nuclear all that exists fictional or not and beyond the universe obey only me.
No one can outperform or match nuclears level of power for she is the avatar of God If fought in any dimension than Nuclear is nigh unstoppable. enemies who are at the power scale of Medaka kurokami will still die within 8 seconds of attacking her. If the enemy equips anything,Nuclear instantly removes the attackers entire inventory. In peaceful Difficulty, Nuclear cannot be hurt. Because she doesn't want to fight a coward although , nuclear will still kill the enemy immediately if they mess with her lord kars, and nothing can help them survive. if a enemy is caught fighting nuclear with any sort of cheat, super armor, or a super weapon, then the Anti-Cheat power will be triggered. The enemy will have their equipment removed, potion effects removed, and will be killed instantly. nuclear regenerates 1000 hearts per tick (9000 hearts a second), fires a barrage of stand hits non stop, and fires a Giant ICBM on occasion. If Nuclear begins to fight any enemy that gets 20 meters near Lord Kars then the enemy is erased from existence immediately.
Nuclear can also temporarly manifest witherzilla under her control for an instant attack. Can create other Rebisś & copies of herself which have 900000X her power her clones are more efficient being able to work together like a bunch of ants. Nuclear also has the powers of shapeshifting & the ability to turn into a chinese dragon of whatever scale nuclear can also temporary manifest witherzilla in solid form for a quick kaod attack. can also spawn an army of wither storms in destroyer stage. Nuclear also commands all the titans in the titans mod. Nuclear can also summon a army of anime characters restrain her attackers. king ghidorah over heaven which resembles void king ghidorah and has all the powers of the golden wings of death, Nuclears stand can also manifest whatever nuclear desires and overwrite reality. King Ghidorah Over Heaven which is a stand that works with nuclear's main stand the world over heaven can conquer other universes and destroy entire worlds with a singularity this is the same stand NH used to kill Dio. He exists outside the space time continium and has the power to surpass any other stand or laws that dare to limit victory. inhabits the void between dimensions, Ghidorah has used super gravity to consume countless worlds throughout the millennia. as nuclears stand she controls ghidorah and void king is a part of NH's soul that killed the christian god and showed him no mercy nuclears clone stand in the Jorge Joestar novel this version of ghidorah over heaven is as dangerous and as powerful as Witherzilla can blink enemies out of existence

Heaven ascention nuclear has conqured all universes and destroyed all universes accept for her universe. Marital status Lord Kars all versions of him they are inseperable nuclear and her stand can acess the ultima blade and optima axe anytime cuts through all defenses even hacks. Witherzilla was too slow matching the light speed of nuclear is impossible.Nuclear Hurricane Over Heaven is a evolved version of nuclear hurricane that surpasses all that exists she transcends all universes and has taken over all parallel universes. Nuclear reached this power levels after graduating high school and college. Nuclear still and will always have her stand the world over heaven and her goddess Titan powers she can just take over all universes. Every god from every religion does whatever nuclear hurricane says. She has evolved into the true king of Kings and all that exists obeys only her. Anyone who tries to or thinks of bringing her down will be destroyed by witherzilla or the multiverse. Nuclears stand the world over heaven has gained a new ability to this as well. The world over heaven will have the power of Q from star trek combined with a copy of nuclears goddess Titan powers. He will do whatever his user tells him to do.No one can outperform or match nuclears level of power for she is the avatar of God If fought in any dimension than Nuclear is nigh unstoppable. enemies who are at the power scale of Medaka kurokami will still die within 8 seconds of attacking her. If the enemy equips anything,Nuclear instantly removes the attackers entire inventory. f a enemy is caught fighting nuclear with any sort of cheat, super armor, or a super weapon, then the Anti-Cheat power will be triggered. The enemy will have their equipment removed, potion effects removed, and will be defeated and killed instantly. nuclear regenerates 1000 hearts per tick If Nuclear begins to fight any enemy that gets 20 meters near Lord Kars then the enemy is erased from existence immediately. Save the Nuclear x Kars memes for later nuclear be dominating lord Kars 24 7 and Kars shall be forever loyal to nuclear hurricane of arda and he will never ever cheat on nuclear because he knows what will happen to him if he does. Nuclear has transformed all universes to
where her parallel universe versions of her and lord kars are married. She will use her goddess Titan powers to erase and purge any other female that tries to interact with the other lord Kars's. My oc nuclear is a omnipotent omniscient being that chose lord kars She sees Kars as the return of Jesus Nuclear the holy one and Kars the ultimate life form In the rulecraft universe God aka Jesus is a bit cruel about it though nuclears soul is a puppet on string's and does everything god wants her to she has no free will Forced to do God's work in rulecraft Adam and eve never ate from the tree of knowledge Nuclear is the only one that was naturally born of knowledge of good and evil. God took over her mind resulting in nuclear having split personalities She can't help herself when she destroys a city or creates a dragon out of thin airShe was eventually driven mad by this and created her own plan that goes against her If nuclear was added to jojo's bizarre adventure eyes of heaven this would be her BGM of pre god Titan mode. https://youtu.be/rVLWShlMTSM Oh and medakars and any reality involving medaka Kurokami universe and other universe's was destroyed by nuclear and Witherzilla and those who try to mess with nuclear and Kars shall be erased from existence or purged by death of any kind by her brother witherzilla and the universe regardless of power level or defense witherzilla and all universes will use the ultima blade and witherzilas anti cheat power to take anyone or anything responsible down. Nuclear and her brother cuts through all defenses even hacks. During the end times Nuclear shall be summoned by God and she shall smite the unworthy and the corrupt. She will defeat satan and bring about Revelations, she will create the new world & a new heaven after the old one passes away.
God Titan mode: Capable of using witherzilla's power combined with the executor dragon, repeals magic and heals ijuries instantly immune to crushing and torshion, can steal the powers of other titans other enemies and lord's. immune to heat easily influenced by darkness,her body her living form turns into the strongest material in the omniverse besides adamantium literally indestructable her stands and hands and entire body can be used as a weapon the likes of which you've never seen, Sanic speed & her attack damage on any enemy is infinity, Her stand the world over heaven use's witherzillas anti cheat power to auto defeat any enemy if the fight goes on for longer then 8 seconds.
Forsaken God Mode Created to serve a similar purpose as The World Over Heaven's Book Maker, Forsaken God Mode makes Nuclear Hurricane weaker than her opponent. No matter how weak her opponent is, Nuclear Hurricane will be weaker than they are; she labels it as an ability that allows her to forget about strength and skills and just go all out. Forsaken God Mode was developed as a byproduct afterNuclear Hurricane's fight to the death against Medaka Kurokami. With it, Nuclear can intentionally make herself weaker so as to better understand people who are weaker than she is. But the aspect of understanding her opponent doesn't exist due to her complete lack of empathy. In this form, Nuclear Hurricane's hair turns completely white, and her eyes become a lighter shade of Cerlean Blue.
End God Mode : In this form, Nuclear Hurricane's hair turns black and increases in volume drastically. With her increased blood flow, Nuclear Hurricane is able to move at supersonic speeds and create shadow clones in front of her. These clones have enough speed to break the sound barrier, creating a slip stream to remove the obstructions to Nuclear Hurricane's power. Nuclear the one has every Jojo stand and she shall use made in heaven to forcefully bring time to a singularity point and reset the universe. Then she will use the world over heaven stand to overwrite reality and create a new universe in her favor it is known as the rulecraft universe. The
great nuclear hurricane rides with Sauron and melkor at the ending of the world and the doom of man to bring fourth dagor dagorath to create a new world from the ashes of the old. They are the one they are the many they are god and don't realize it. The earth shall pass away in ww3 and the rulecraft universe shall be created. Nuclears ulf mate lord Kars will rule over the heaven and those who are true to nuclear hurricane will be let into the gates of rulecraft for as long as you are against her enemies you will not be refused paradise. The first prophecy will be revealed in the rulecraft universe. Nuclear Hurricane and her allies will gather a massive army to fight for humanity against the elite who are trying to destroy it. Don't fall for the media they will try to make nuclear look like a criminal when she is in fact saving humanity from the bad guys who are trying to destroy it and Nuclear Hurricane shall become the eternal god of all that exist's. Spread the word that nuclear will become one with god.The new world will be created.

Universal Psycopath mode Nuclear possesses the ability to make everything work out in her favor. This ability also makes her as psychotic as witherzilla she has a innate desire to destroy half of life in the multiverse.
Ultimate Middle Finger mode: Nuclear gets the ability to make natural disasters stop happening because this scares tornadoes for whatever reason they just fuck off, This also makes human beings start wars with eachother as a cost.
Cuss word ultimate: Any cuss word nuclear can use and attack and does the same damage and energy release as unrelenting force from skyrim.
Skyrim all the shouts and mods: Nuclear has all the skyrim shouts and mods at her disposal to use in the material world.

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