Antichrist Turkey's Chief Imam Squandered Millions Despite Crisis: Erdogan Has a Toilet Scandal

6 months ago

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☪ Turkey's highest religious authority, Diyanet, is notorious for its extremely wasteful use of public funds. To the annoyance of the Turkish population, the institution is literally flushing taxpayers' money down the toilet. And this despite the fact that people are being forced to be frugal in times of economic crisis and turbo inflation caused by the Erdogan government.

The latest case of ostentation: an exorbitant bill for the maintenance of toilets. At the headquarters in Ankara, the "maintenance, repair and renovation" of a few toilets is said to have cost the absurd sum of six million Turkish lira (around 160,000 euros). This is reported by the news platform "BirGün" . The figures come from an entry in an electronic platform for public contracts, it said.

And the toilet scandal is not an isolated case. According to research, the religious authority spent the equivalent of almost seven million euros in the first seven months of this year - every day!

Many in Turkey can also still remember when the Diyanet had 160,000 gold-plated Korans printed last year. The head of the religious institution, Ali Erbas (62), is also considered an extravagant lover of German luxury limousines of the Audi brand.

The fact that the religious authority has a lot of money to spend is due to a huge budget: According to official figures, the Imam Forge will consume almost 2.5 billion euros (2024), an increase of around 150 percent compared to last year - a sum that exceeds the budget of most Turkish ministries.

The authority is also considered to be extremely business-minded. Its foundation (Türkiye Diyanet Vakfi) in particular runs numerous businesses. The highly profitable authority is particularly active in the construction industry with a subsidiary (Komas AS). The authority owns hundreds of properties.
Many criticize that the Diyanet has transformed itself from a charity organization into a holding company.

► Some interesting stories:

In the year 906 A,D Al-Qarmiti destroyed the Kaaba and used the black stone as his toilet seat for 20 to 40 years. Wow!

Abraha (flourished 6th century ad) was an Ethiopian Christian viceroy of Yemen in southern Arabia during the 6th century AD.

Abraha was viceroy of the principality of Sabaʾ in Yemen for the (Christian) emperors of Ethiopia. A zealous Christian himself, he is said to have built a great church at Sanaa and to have repaired the principal irrigation dam at the Sabaean capital of Maʾrib. Abraha is chiefly famous, however, for the military expedition that he led northward against the city of Mecca in the same year as Muhammad’s birth, about 570. Though it was supported by elephants, the expedition failed, and Muslims believe that Mecca escaped capture only through a miracle.

According to the biased commentary on verses in Surat Al-Fil in the Koran, Abraha built a cathedral in Sana'a to rival the Ka'ba as a destination of pilgrimage, and in response Meccans desecrated the cathedral. Abraha then set out with a force of elephants to destroy the Ka'ba, but Allah sent birds who killed the elephants by pelting them with stones.

Abraha’s rule ended in 575 when the Persian Sāsānians invaded the region and brought the Sabaean kingdom to an end. Persia and The Persians were punished for this invasion later with the scourge (plague) of Islam

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Poor Muhammadans don't know their history of their black stone which is meteorite worship that is tied to Female Goddesses of Arabia. Bin Hassan Al Qurmuti, who, in the year 906 A,D, not only destroyed and urinated on the Kaaba, but, took the black stone and held it for ransom. That this leader of the Qarmatians, Abu Taher Bin Hassan Al-Qurmuti, Led 700 Horsemen into Mecca, massacred the Pilgrims during haj, and, before taking it for ransom, took the Black Stone to the top of the Kaaba and Said: ’'I am in god and god is in Me. Where is your god? I am your great god. Where are the Birds of Allah (Tayr al ababeel) that Protect the Kaaba according to the Qur’an? Where are the Stones of Fire (Hijara min sejeel)?’’ And that, in spite of this defiling, the worship of Allah in the Kaaba. Proving the Quran false. Poor Arabs did not have money to buy out their black stone back and Qarmatians used it as toilet for 20 to 40 years. Later they were defeated and the black stone was returned framed it up in a shape of vagina and put it back to kiss it for forgiveness of sins. Now Muslims answer where is Allah, like in the Koran where the Koran said that Allah would protect it? They even killed all the Muslims around the Kaaba and the Muslims did not fight them BELIEVING that Allah would save them...but he did not. History of the Kaaba, the black stone most Muslims do not know, but no Muslim can refute this, because it is the truth.

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