Stop That Tank! (1942)

6 months ago

Stop That Tank! (aka Boys Anti-Tank Rifle) is a 22-minute 1942 instructional film created during World War II by Walt Disney Productions for the Directorate of Military Training, The Department of National Defence and the National Film Board of Canada (NFB). Its purpose, akin to "edutainment", was to instruct Canadian soldiers in the handling and care of the Boys Mk.1 Anti-tank rifle for use in combat against Nazi tanks. The film presented information in an entertaining manner as well as providing an anti-Nazi propaganda message.

An armada of Nazi German tanks, led by Adolf Hitler der Fuehrer, approaches a town, with Hitler announcing, "the enemy is asleep" and ordering his troops to "give 'em the works". The tanks rush forward, firing into the sleepy town.

Camouflaged Canadian soldiers, equipped with the Boys Mk.1 rifle, start to emerge from various secret positions to stop the advancing tanks, hitting them repeatedly with accurate rounds. Hitler's tank receives a direct hit from the Canadian troops' fire and tumbles straight down into hell. In front of a huge, red, round-faced Devil, Hitler begins throwing an hysterical tantrum on the floor over his defeat. The Devil, shouting over the increasingly loud and irrational tantrum, indicates Hitler believes that against the anti-tank rifle, he cannot win.

The Boys anti-tank rifle is then described in detail through both animated and live action sequences. Using highly detailed schematic views, the design of the .55 calibre anti-tank rifle is analyzed. A demonstration of how to use the weapon stresses the need to accurately aim and "lead" a moving target, locate weak areas on armoured vehicles, and fire effectively at close range. Live action sequences demonstrate loading, firing, reloading, taking the weapon apart, cleaning and maintenance. This footage adds an air of authenticity "by virtues of its photographic realism".

Boys Anti-Tank Rifle
The methodical and precise training section is intersected with moments of comic relief, although these are sparse and further display the educational nature of the film. First, a short, stout soldier attempts to lift the Mk.1 rifle but is not strong enough, and the rifle falls on top of his head and pins him down from the back of his neck. Next, a misjudged shot from the MK.1 Mk.1 rifle hits the backside of a bull in a nearby field, the bull angrily jumps rear end first into a pond and screeching "why don't you shoot where you're looking?" A soldier who underestimates the strength of the internal spring when taking apart his weapon, has the spring comically bouncing out of the magazine into the face of the short soldier from earlier in the film.

Finally, in invoking the old saw, "a rifle is like a woman, treat her right and she will never let you down"; the short soldier cuddles in bed with his Mk.1 rifle, giving it a kiss.

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