3/24/2021 [Miles Guo on the CCP's "Simpson Plan"-2] 3/24/2021 [郭文贵谈中共的辛普森计划-2] The CCP's deep

5 months ago

3/24/2021 [Miles Guo on the CCP's "Simpson Plan"-2]
3/24/2021 [郭文贵谈中共的辛普森计划-2]

The CCP's deep infiltration into the EU and the exposure of the "Simpson Plan" mean that the EU will resolutely stand with the U.S. and the New Federal State of China to completely eradicate the CCP!

#新中国联邦 #中共不等于中国人 #消灭中共 #中共 #文贵直播 #辛普森计划 #渗透 #欧盟
#NFSC #Chinese≠CCP #TakeDownTheCCP #CCP #MilesGuoBroadcast #SimpsonPlan #infiltration #EU

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