5 months ago

An example of a Ceremony that Whitewolf performed in nature.
With Ceremony Whitewolf called upon the 4 directions (plus above, below, and in between… so really 7 directions), the 4 elements, and I called upon the 7 Archangels of the 7 directions for an extra added protection. I then set an intention, which I pulled from an ORACLE DECK of cards. You can set your intention without using an Oracle Deck. You really can set any intention such as: HEALING MIND, BODY, SOUL, ENERGY, and SPIRIT! Or I could set an intention to: OPEN TO THE INNER CHILD DREAMING FROM THE HEART TO CREATE THIS NEW AMAZING EARTH LIKE A CHILD IMAGINING THIS NEW WAY CREATING AND MANIFESTING FROM THE HEART!
Then you can meditate for a bit on the intention, and once done give thanks for what you received. THEN MAKE SURE TO CLOSE OFF THE CEREMONY BY GIVING THANKS TO THE 7 directions, the 4 elements, the 7 guides (I used Archangels), and thank I AM THAT I AM, which is the all Encompassing Creator Conciousness. Then the ceremony is closed!

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