Dr. Chris Shoemaker on deaths of young people after the Covid shots

5 months ago

"17 year-olds dying on the basketball courts, little hockey players like Sean Hartman. He'd already had brown under his eyes because he'd had a bleeding event caused in his lower brain by the (COVID) shot. He had that within 3 days of getting the jab. The doctors never tested for troponin, they never wondered about these strange almost racoon eyes as if he'd been in a car accident and had brown under his eyes. The brown under his eyes were caused by the bleeding event that had been caused by the vaccine going into his brain vessels at the base of his brain. But he survived for another 30 days after that...the 33 days later when Sean Hartman died, it was probably not from the brain vessel bleed, it was probably because of an adrenaline surge taking out his heart."

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