5 months ago

Transhumanism, i.e. the fusion of man and machine, is being propagated in the brightest colors by global control centers such as the WEF and the UN as an indispensable further development of mankind. But what threatens those who eat this “apple“?

Page Chronicles:
I recall listening to some audio(Link Below) from David Bruce Goldberg (October 2, 1967 – May 1, 2015), an American management consultant and businessman. He was the founder of 'LAUNCH Media' and the CEO of 'SurveyMonkey'. He was married to Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook. In the audio, David mentioned Projects (POGO and ZEPHR) and also 'TTID' (Tag-Track-Identify).

I find it interesting how Klaus Schwab mentioned their vision as the 'FUSION' of the Physical, Biological, and Digital.

"You will own nothing, and be happy." a quote from Klaus Schwab is like Revelation of the Method. They give notice of the plan and mock the victim(s). The 'Evilarchy' seeks Full Spectrum Dominance of the planet and everything in it, including everyone's body.

No privacy or private property is their goal. Data mining is on steroids, where biometric sensors and nanotech will help to erase all autonomy.

Science(DNA & Genetics) and Technology(Nano and 5/6/7G) are the perfect tools to help the ends justify the means. To me, they are modern-day alchemists. They have everything needed to implement their plan including geoengineering (Weather Modification) and energy-directed weapons.
The only thing in their way is that they haven't manifested an E.L.E. (Extinction-Level-Event) They are working hard at it.

They need a 3rd World War to massively depopulate the planet. 'Useless eaters' will not be a part of their Utopia, where their algorithmic-programmed AIs, Nanotech, Robotics, and automation will take over in full force. CBDC and Digital ID will be the provided solution to the problem they caused.

Much suffering and pain exists and will escalate because of the unwillingness of the Evilarchy to relinquish Power, Control, and Influence.

It's not a right or left issue, It's an us or them issue, it's a right or wrong issue.

Universal Conscious Awareness can change the tide - Will you stand for what is Right, Just, and Fair, or let this Clique of Satanic/Luciferian Mercantile Pirate Banksters continue their anti-Logos ways?

If not for yourself think about your children - all children to garnish the courage to cause change and be an agent of a better present and tomorrow.


Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.

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