Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi on compulsory vaccination with mRNA vaccines

1 month ago

"The most effective way to counteract declining willingness to vaccinate is through direct or indirect compulsory vaccination. But it also has to be officially authorized, i.e. WHO. And then it must be ensured that the vaccines can be made available in large enough quantities. There was actually a problem lurking here. In previous vaccinations inactivated substances are injected, which stimulate the formation of specific antibodies. The vaccines against tetanus and diphtheria, for example, must be produced by human hands. the production is relatively complex and expensive.
With RNA vaccines, the corresponding gene products are administered and the people who are injected then produce them, the actual products in their body. It doesn't get any cheaper.
Brilliant, the WHO orders the injections, citizens have to pay for the genes with their tax money, have themselves injected and then transform themselves to the vaccine manufacturing factories..."

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