Watch Bill Maher TORCH the Left for Going After RFK Jr.'s Wife

6 months ago

“Even the mafia doesn't do that.” This is brilliant.

“[Cheryl Hines] doesn't have a single enemy. Well, now she does, because she didn't throw her husband under the bus when her husband made a decision about something, which she's made [clear] she disagrees with.”

“You want to know why I have a bug up my ass about the left more than I used to? It's sh*t like this. There's an ugliness they never used to have. The liberals I grew up respecting—none of them are like this. Going after the wife. Even the mafia doesn't do that.”

“There are a lot of people these days who I call liberals in theory. In theory, they hate bullying. Terrible. In practice, their attitude is, ‘It's not bullying when I stick your head in the toilet.’ In theory, liberals are compassionate. In practice, this guy [Bradley Whitford] can't even understand one of the most basic dilemmas common to all humans—that when you're married, sometimes you have to [explicit thing].”

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