Socialism Is Gaining Popularity. What Would Jesus Do?

5 months ago

Socialism Is Gaining Popularity. What Would Jesus Do?
Dad Saves America
171K subscribers

3,597 views Aug 15, 2024 The Dad Saves America Podcast
Was Jesus a socialist? Lawrence Reed, President Emeritus of the Foundation for Economic Education, tackles this question in his 2020 book titled just that. Some socialists like to claim Jesus among their ranks, but the Bible says otherwise. In Lawrence’s view, the teachings of Christ emphasized personal responsibility, voluntary charity, and the ethical foundations of freedom. We explore key biblical passages that both directly and indirectly comment on the structure of society and the proper relationship between personal values and government force. While it would be unreasonable to expect direct biblical instruction on the minutiae of contemporary policy issues, the Bible does contain plenty of guiding principles that light the way for us.

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[0:00] Was Jesus a socialist?
[2:15] Socialism isn’t charity
[8:51] What’s the Biblical evidence?
[16:56] Are we forcing economics into the Bible?
[20:38] The Golden Rule, pacifism, and fairness
[28:17] Surrendering to your faith
[33:45] Greed, wealth, and competition
[44:34] Why Lawrence believes in free markets
[52:01] Faith, freedom, and the Founding Fathers
[1:00:36] Freedom requires virtue
[1:11:37] The role of suffering in a life well-lived
[1:14:30] Is the American Empire the new Rome?
[1:22:35] Politics makes it hard to be good or happy
[1:27:36] What do kids need to know about money?
[1:35:25] Books that everyone should read
[1:38:53] His dad taught him to tip generously

Dad Saves America is a channel dedicated to celebrating heroic fatherhood while teaching the next generation of fathers strategies they can utilize in parenting their children. We believe strong children come from a strong family. We’ve had many experts in the studio, including Jonathan Haidt, Dr. Drew Pinsky, Troy Kotsur, John Mackey, Ben Askren, and Adam Carolla.

#christianity #capitalism #socialism

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