Verona Police officer Thug Dessell

5 months ago

This Verona Pennsylvania police officer seems to like to break the law rather than to uphold it.

This officer had been harassing a loved one of mine who was struggling with addiction.

instead of being helpful or kind to a struggling soul, or just leaving them alone, he would unlawfully stop this individual walking down the street and rifle through their belongings and then charge them with paraphernalia or whatever he could.

I went into the police station a few months back and just simply informed him that what he was doing was unlawful and that he doesn't get to break the law.

So I guess today he decided he wanted to harass me and so I decided to take a video of the incident.

I could have had a better attitude perhaps but I'm no fan of bullies whatsoever.

Im parked outside of my uncle's house a half a block down the street from the school that I'm picking my nephew up from. Yes I'm in front of my uncle's driveway where we pick him up all the time if there's nowhere else to park.

I didnt get it on video but my uncle told him it was fine. I'm confused as to why he brought the bogus ticket back over and littered my vehicle with it again after he was informed I had permission.

I will be filing a complaint.

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