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His Glory TV - Julie Green joins His Glory - Take FiVe - 07-03-2024 - Captions
In the conversation between Julie and Dave, they discussed a variety of topics ranging from the current state of the political landscape to the impact of weather on the nation. Julie emphasized the importance of prayer and the power of God in guiding the events that are unfolding. She mentioned that certain political figures, such as Macron in France and Trudeau in Canada, are facing challenges and potential removal from power. The conversation also touched on the recent Supreme Court rulings and their potential impact on the deep state. Additionally, the discussion addressed the significance of the recent debate and the potential consequences for President Trump's opponents. Julie emphasized the need for discernment and wisdom in navigating the current climate, especially in light of the divisive tactics being employed by certain individuals and groups. The conversation also touched on the impact of weather manipulation and the potential consequences for the nation. Throughout the conversation, Julie emphasized the need for unity among Christians and patriots, as well as the importance of trusting in God's plan and authority.
They discuss a variety of topics, including the current state of American politics, the potential for significant changes in leadership, and the impact of recent events on the country. They touch on the possibility of President Biden stepping down, potential replacements for Supreme Court justices, and the impact of the 2020 election on various political positions. The conversation also delves into issues related to the justice system, financial markets, and the division within the body of Christ.
Throughout the discussion, they express a sense of optimism and hope for the future, emphasizing the need for unity and faith in God's plan. They discuss the importance of forgiveness, the power of prayer, and the belief that justice will prevail in the end. They also highlight the role of faith in guiding individuals through challenging times and the need to trust in God's ultimate plan for the country.
Dave and Julie also touch on the significance of the Fourth of July as a day to celebrate.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from His Glory Ministry! The original video was posted on 07-03-2024, and may be watched here: 👉
Julie Green joins His Glory: Take FiVe
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Psalm ninety-one, he who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty. I will say of the lord, he is my refuge and my fortress. My God in him I will trust. Surely he shall deliver you from the snare of the follower and from the perilous pestilence. He shall cover you with his feathers and under his wings you shall take refuge. His truth shall be your shield and buckler. You shall not be afraid of the terror by night nor of the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that walks in darkness nor of the destruction that lays waste at noon day. A thousand may fall at your side and 10000 at your right hand but it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you look and see the reward of the wicked. Because you have made the Lord who is my refuge. Even the most high your dwelling place. No evil shall befall you nor shall any plague come near you, your dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over you. To keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up. Lest you dash foot against the stone. You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra. The young lion and the serpent you shall trample on because he has set his love upon me. Therefore, I will deliver him. I will set him on high because he has known my name. He shall call upon me and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble. I will deliver him and honor him. With long life, I will satisfy him and show him my salvation. Hello to all of you at His Glory Nation. This is Julie Green and you are watching His Glory. And we want to welcome all of His Glory Nation from east to west to north to south. Welcome to take five, Wednesdays. You know what it is. Wednesdays with Julie Green. Alright, so we'll get through the messages real quick and then we'll get Julie on because there's so much to go through and we only have an hour and a half to get to it. First of all, Kingdom Fuel. We've extended it through the Fourth of July weekend. Buy two get one free. People are absolutely loving this. Uh again, don't forget to look at our interview with General McInerney in General Valley. We did that yesterday. It will be shown on Fourth of July. This will show you why you need to stop up. So, that's two-year shelf life. Uh great great sale, best best ever. Chronology, buy one get one free. A lot of good Bogos going on right now. Using His Glory, free shipping. This is what helps me sleep and when my dog got me the other day, I put it on my hand and I was supposed to have stitches and it healed literally in two in two days. You can't even see the scar anymore. Kiwi Strong. This is what I use when I go on the tractor. Tractor's my happy place. Uh tractor and God is you can't get much better than that. And tractor. Uh so get Kiwi Strong today. His Glory for 15% off and Patriot Mobile. Every single person I know. I had a board member just sign up with Patriot Mobile. They're saving money and you're not you're not supporting the big behemist that are out to get us. Alright, I got to em really quick. So, we want to get every ounce of time we can with Julie Green. Julie, good to see you again. Good to see you too. There has been a lot of stuff that happened since last week. Man, I don't I was so excited about being on the show today. I was like, Lord, this is going to be an explosive other day of being on here at Take five so. Yeah. So, let me address something real quick as I told you before went on. This is not being run live on Rumble or Facebook. Facebook cut off our feed last week. I don't know if it was done sinister or not but I'm being told to be very very careful of social media platforms including Rumble that there are paid paid instigators to cause divisions, taking AI, selling your voice, and trying to sell things that are obviously not me or you or Scott McKay. Scott McCay is the the video audio that I heard. So, that's why we're doing it. We'll put it up later but when they're in the live feed, that's when they come out the most and so be careful. Discernment and wisdom. Wisdom and discernment from the Holy Spirit for such a time as this because the evil one wants to cause division and some of this division we start fighting each other with They're not even human. They're bots. So don't play into it. Pray for them and move on. Alright. I just wanted to get that out there. And you know and we went to fighting as actually a team and we've been talking about how the enemy has lots of plans against us. But that's the reason why we always confess Isaiah fifty-four seventeen. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. And that goes for any of you that goes for any person the child of God that is on social media and we have to call down all these weapons including AI because we do have that power and authority and dominion and when it works for somebody else, it will not work for you and so we have to pray for discernment because if you know, if you follow people like Pastor Dave or myself, you know with the things that we would say and the things we wouldn't say and so if it comes out of character, if it doesn't like seem right, you pray into it because it's most not likely right. Yeah, because the AI has gotten very sophisticated. I was on a Intel call Sunday night about this and the audio that I heard, it had to do with Scott McKay and he's the one that brought it to my attention and the AI was good. I thought it was him. Uh it it sounded identical to him but it wasn't him. It was selling some carpet, some fake products. So, it's important that we know this especially going into the election especially going to where we're at. Julie now, we're coming into a we're at a climax with all the stuff that's going on. So, this is where division and Satan is going to try and the deep state are going to try to hit and confuse and divide as much as possible and we can't give into it. For sure, just like what we were talking about last week when you, you know, gave me that live on air about sabotage. That's something that can easily, you know, cause division and cause anger and cause, I mean, frustration because it it can easily do that. Yup. At the same time that that's what we had to do as children of the most high God is to pray against these things. You can easily be offended. You can easily be hurt and I will tell you, it's not it's not easy to push and fight that back. Some days are harder than other days and so but we have to realize that even though we fall down, God will help us get back up and even though the sickness try caused a vision. God is going to win by that by uniting his body of Christ and that's what we pray into. We pray into the plan of almighty God. We realize we don't wrestle with flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and rulers of the darkness of this world not wrestling against people even though sometimes we want to but we don't and so that's why we have to right now God is perfecting us. He's strengthening us for this moment in time. We're seeing the enemies panic and they're going to try to cause a panic in the body of Christ and the panic in this nation. They're going to try to cause their great division. They'll try to cause a great darkness because their plans are not working but that's when we as a body of Christ are going to be receiving God's glory and God's strength even more. I mean, this is a great, I'm telling you, this is a great time to be alive. It certainly is and we have to call for unification. If you have a minor difference with somebody, this, you know, seek them in private. This is not the time. I'm not going to tell you who the name is because of his own private but a doctor that I know came out on social media I think yesterday or the day before and publicly apologized to General Flynn and Thomas Renz two of my good friends for a division that was just unnecessary he said it was very minor and he apologizes and it's time for Christians and patriots to unite no more little stuff and I'm so proud that he did that because he humbled himself and he said enough we're going to be unified we're get we're going to be together so Good. We need more of that. For sure, we do and that's what I've been telling people. I mean, it's easy to, you know, get those lines drawn and be like, okay, I'm done. I'm not going to talk to that person. I'm not going to pray for that person. I'm going to be angry. I'm going to be hurt and I'm going to be mad but God said, that's not what we're supposed to do. We are supposed to pray for his plans. We're supposed to pray for his purpose but also at the same time, if there are people in the abide in Christ, there are people on the side of it looks like the right side and they're actually not on the right for the right reason that God exposes it. This is a time of what is called the shaking and awakening in this nation and the body of Christ worldwide and we are going to be shocked of who really was on God's side and who was not. Yeah again the last probably three or 4 days. Since you and I talked on Friday I had a just a huge amount of calls to me from Intel sources and some that I've known for a long time. Some that just months and some just little bit longer than months and I'm telling you gotta be very careful because if I just went out with what they said some of the stuff is sounds crazy but it may be true the point is don't get ahead of it just trust God let it play out God has it light winds we don't want to jump jump the shark because people are trying to whether it's intentional or unintentional try to move something this way and it shouldn't go that way so I've I've I'm yeah what we talked about last week is a lot people are experiencing this darkness and this overwhelming and they're hearing things, this disinformation, there's a lot of confusion, there's a lot of panic, there's a lot of fear, there's a lot of heaviness, there's a lot of depression. The enemy is trying every weapon and his arsenal against the body of Christ and against the child of God who is doing the right thing for God but God is bigger and he's been showing me this. He's been showing the team this. He's been showing us different ways to pray, things to stand on and believe for and that's what every child of the most high God needs to be it needs to be standing on is the word of God. And just like what happened with you. I mean there's things that you can believe and there's things that are sent to you and to everybody else that get you off the right track of believing what the right plan is for almighty God. So it you have to be very discerning. Uh everyone has to be very discerning of what they're hearing right now. Especially the fake news right now. You see what's happening with Joe Biden. Um you know New York Times Washington Post were leaking CNN was leaking major information about talking points last couple days about Joe Biden stepping down said it came from Barack Obama making it sound like they that people just woke up to after debate that it was a problem this was all staged these leaks are on purpose they're they they want to get rid of Joe Biden New York Times came out today also and said Israel's running out of ammo they don't know what to do and completely counterdicts what I hear directly from Israeli generals and what the next step is. So it's lying propaganda and hopefully people are seeing through it. Yeah as we were talking about last week on that show that word I was receiving I received for President Trump and regarding that debate and for him to stay calm and that Biden would fall by his own sword and they were using this the deck was stacked against President Trump but actually was also stacked against Biden. Uh Biden was set up like a major pawn to fall and that's exactly what they're doing. They were using this to to to get rid of him and to remove him. That was meant to embarrass him. Um and it did. And so in that prophetic word last week after the word I heard and I read this to you is that even the deck is stacked against President Trump for the debate. If he does what I the Lord want him to do. It will bring down the Biden because his party will have no choice but to let him go for the embarrassment and the failure that he has become. And the truth if President Trump's Trump listens to what I the Lords have said for him to do. I will see him through it. And it will cause more damage quicker than before. Because he is letting go. And I the Lord will do it. I am the power that he needs now. Watch the Biden fall by his own sword. President Trump receive my peace and let the Biden expose himself as you will see. You will stand on that stage knowing you are my son. And I'm the one who will give you the these words to say and how to say them and see the landslide destruction of the establishment the UCB four U. That is exactly what happened. President Trump kept his peace. He you know he said what he needed to say and Biden absolutely fell by his own sword. He's shown us a reason why you have Democrats at panic mode. You have them all over the place calling for his removal or calling for him to step down because of his well everyone knew this before because he's been incompetent in front of the camera for years now. Uh but they did that on purpose. So they either do the 25th amendment or they're going to force them to step down or whatever else but they are getting rid of the Biden and guys been talking about this for three years and they're using a debate to make it go faster. Wow. So a lot has happened just this week along. We have Supreme Court immunity case come in. We see President Trump's sentencing has been extended or pushed back to September eighteenth. I don't think that case would go forward based on Supreme Court just said. Um everything they've tried on him is just boomeranging back. So now he'll be able to go into the convention without any sentences before that. So I had to read something. I know I've I've read this to you before on your show. Um all these prophecies or this prophecies fulfillment is reminding people of what God was saying. This was what's in store for America. This is a prophecy name. This was from March 31st of 2023. So it was over well over a year ago. And God was saying I have told you about the indictments. I told you they would not get what they wanted out of these indictments. They will backfire. They will blow up and they will boomerang back on them. They will not touch my anointed and get away with it. So the indictments are blowing up. God's been saying that. I think it was since right and the time of the indictments are right after the indictments. God has been talking about the failure and the this destruction of these indictments and you are seeing that now in every single one of these cases and even if they can try to squeak by, I believe that they they did move his sentencing until September because they're trying to find a way around that immunity case but even if they try to do something, it's not going to work no matter what they do. No, it's not and that's that's the concerning point now. That's why we have to be use wisdom and sermon from the lord and be very careful because you got them in a corner like this is this is this is a disaster waiting to happen. I had General Valley and General McInerney on yesterday and that'll be taped tomorrow Fourth of July perfect that it goes out but people will want to watch what General Valley and General McEnerney said they're giving warning exactly what what they're up to. Uh they talked about a 911 type event. They talked about having six months worth of not to scare people. Uh he said that. Don't scare people and General McInerney even said it's in the good lord's hand because the good lord is opening up these opportunities and if you heard General McInerney yesterday compared to three years ago you know the Lord's working on him. It's absolutely amazing how much these generals are now trusting God and seeing that God's hand is on this. Yeah I've seen so many people even just have to reawaken that we're not you know on the side I mean the same side are knowing what God was doing and how God was in control and they're thinking it had to be done a certain way and because that's the way it's always been done. And now there's I mean I've seen the faith in people grow of God and then trusting in God and it's it's pretty awesome to see and again, even though we are celebrating right now and I will read some of the prophecy that God gave this morning about Independence Day and it's extremely powerful one regarding Independence Day but he's been warning us about a time of darkness. He's been warning us about them caught in a trap. He's been warning us of they are desperate timefalls for desperate measures and some of the things that they would never have done in the past to give themselves away. They will do in order to stop President Trump because again there is no option for him to be able to be in that seat of the president so they will stop at nothing they are desperate they will do desperate things they're going to do an overreach of power God has been talking about that and that overreach of power is going to show their true colors and what they really are even more than they've already done. He says I think it was yesterday he said they're ravenous wolves and they're coming out of the K in their hiding places where they've been hiding. Wow. So do you want to touch on that Prophetic Word of Independence Day because one of the sources said that they expect something fairly large to happen on Independence Day. I have something in my my spirit that feels like something is going to happen tomorrow as well. It may not be in the public But it it feels like we've we've hit a climax and breakthrough is imminent. Yeah so I will always want it's not too long but this is the whole thing about independence. I was only going to read a couple of it but this is a very powerful word that everybody needs to hear. It says my children can't you see your victory? Can you see your enemies falling apart in front? Don't you see my words coming to pass and prophecies are being fulfilled? I've spoken these words so you would know that I am the one who is bigger than your enemy and everything that that you see that they have done and are doing to you now. This land is my land. It's my nation and I have blessed it because it was given to me by the ones that are founded that founded this nation. My children celebrate your Independence Day not just from Great Britain. You start to celebrate your Independence Day from the establishment. Start to celebrate your Independence Day from the globalist and their their and their agenda. My children celebrate your freedoms that the Lord have given to you. Your government did not give you your freedoms. I will remind you again they cannot take them away. They try to deceive you out of them. They can't take away what I the Lord have done for you. My children in the land of my eagle. Don't you see me moving across your nation as you work as you watch the fireworks on your day of independence. See it as a sign of the fireworks I'm about to display before you. A crushing blow to the Biden and the party left along with the entire establishment. Their power is slipping away and the truth is prevailing. The judgement they try to pass down on so many would be passed down onto them. I've seen the affliction and I've seen the stealing. I've seen the manipulation not only from the government but from their mouthpieces in the media. They have mocked me and they have tried to destroy this nation and every person they went against them and their agenda. This is a time of my judgement against them. This is my time or my hand will move and remove the ones that are against me to set this nation free from this great tyranny. My children, your victory is at the door. Your victory is guaranteed. I hear your cries and your prayers for this nation. Millions all over the world are praying for freedom in this nation from the ones who've tried to tear it apart. You will see all the damage they have caused this nation but remember, I can undo it all in one day. And when I have my way. I will say Again, America the beautiful, you are still beautiful in my sight. I don't see you how you are now. I see you how you're always meant to be. I see a blessed nation. As a a united nation, I see you as a powerful nation. A justice will prevail and liberty and freedom will be celebrated as never before. I see people looking to me again and inviting me back in the places I used to be in. When I was in these places, goodness, justice, and freedom, and liberty, and joy can be seed again, says the lord. Watch the fall indictments that I have told you repeatedly that would fail. Watch prisoners wrongfully imprisoned be set free. Watch jobs restored and watch all that I do for you to restore you as a nation to turn your mourning into joy once again. As you see it shaking. As you see an overreach of power. As you see chaos in your streets. As you see the unprecedented and unconventional things take place. Remember I am your victory and your enemies defeat. America you are mine. You will experience that again but in a greater degree. Removals have begun. A cleansing has started. A total reset of a government has been seen. Or total reset of a government will be seen. And it will be undeniable. Who could have done but anyone other than me. My children I am your victory so receive this joy. Celebrate this time and expect my glory to flood your nation to bring a great restoration of what's wrongfully what's rightfully belongs to you. Saith the Lord your redeemer. So God is talking about good things to celebrate. And so when I was talking about this this morning when I was giving this out I said you see he's talking about the awesome things that we're supposed to celebrate but he's also still warning of things that are going to come that are going to shake this nation. Things that are come that are going to be unprecedented. He said overreach of power. He said right here hold on a minute. Where'd it go? You'll see a shaking and overreach of power and you see chaos in your streets as you see the unprecedented unconventional things take place. Remember I'm your victory and your enemy's defeat. Why would he to remind us of that he's our victory. He's the enemy's defeat if everything just going to go smooth sailing from here. Right. I'm not trying to bring fear to anybody but there's something going to happen. He's been warning about terrorist attacks. He's been warning about chaos in the streets. He's been warning about things that are unconventional and unprecedented. He's been warning us about things that look darker before they're going to look brighter and he wouldn't warn us at that if everything is just going to be peachy cane and fine from now on. Well that's confirmed by both Generals yesterday. Well it'll be played tomorrow but we taped it yesterday. Um I've I've had General Valley and General McInerney on for every month for like three years. I don't know if I've ever seen them this intense. Uh not in a bad way. You know to be to heads up but exactly what that prophetic word said. Chaos in the streets. Uh a a a pandemic is they're going to release it. We all we already know that. There's going to be riots in the streets. They're going to try to get chaos in the streets. And the biggest concern is is a nuclear warhead. Just this morning I heard from a reliable source that they said Putin may use a nuclear warhead. Now I don't know if that's going to be a false flag to get everybody thinking it really is to fool us so we gotta be very careful just because it it says it hit doesn't mean it necessarily hit. I mean this is like fifth generation s that are going on right now. So we we we have to just the the only way out of this is the Lord and not freak out when something happens. And God told Russia remember that shiny the shiny object. Don't be listening to the shiny object and don't you dare go as far as you think you can go. Um I'm allowing you to do certain things but you can't go and do what you want to do and don't listen to other nation that's trying to provoke you into doing something. And that could be something against United States of America thinking that he has to do this to stop whatever is coming because he knows again he Knows what they're doing. Um that's why they're trying to stop Putin at all cost but Putin I think maybe things that he has to do something that he doesn't have to do because God's going to take care of it. It's not Putin's responsibility to save the world or this nation or whatever else or his own nation. It is God doing it and he said don't look at that shiny penny or that shiny object. You look to me and don't do. Don't cross that line that it looks like you can cross. Well, just amazing and this also comes on the heels of again, I think we talked about this last week. Um Israel talking openly talking about potentially using a nuclear weapon against Lebanon. I heard that again this morning. Um because of how big Lebanon is. France actually had a warning to Lebanon because they speak a lot of French and and Lebanon to be very careful to Hezbollah because Israel would use a tactical nuclear weapon. Wow. Yeah. So, this is another word. This is the word that came from last week that I gave to you. It was part when it came to that the President Trump and the word he had to hear before the debate whether he did or not. I don't know. I know that he did what God needed him to do. I I did see that. So, I was very excited that he did exactly what God needed him to do but this says, this is from the twenty-sixth. This was last Wednesday. It was last Wednesday. It's the reason another reason why I knew I had to be on the show and God was going to give a word and I knew what that word it was and as we said something about what's going on right now and it was. So, the stakes are very high for your enemies and they simply cannot afford to lose so they will stop it nothing to win. They won't it will never happen. I am their defeat. Now I'm standing in their way. So my children receive and believe and prepare for this overtaking of my glory across this earth that will destroy the power of the ones against you. You are about to see a mighty outpouring of my glory so expect it and you will be partakers of this greatest move of my hand across this land. So the same time when God is talking about your enemies can't afford to lose and overreach a Power. They're going to give themselves away. He literally called them ravenous wolves which I will get to that prophecy too. He gave that to me yesterday and he's talking about so at the same time people like well how can he say this is really good times at the same time this is really bad times because it's both. It is. It's really bad for the enemies of almighty God but at the same time it's really good for God's children who are standing on the side of truth and are standing on the side of of freedom because God will show them that he is their deliver and he is what they need. That's again, that's why he had to set President Trump aside because people are looking to President Trump to fix this country and to bring it back to where God needed it. No, that was not the assignment of President Trump. The the sign of President Trump is to do God's will but it's not for him to get the glory but get the glory for what God is doing. God can only do what he is going to do for this country and nobody else can get credit for it and we are going to see God's hand move and it's going to be so unprecedented and so unconventional that just like the see noone can deny that it's the power of almighty God that did it that's right and going back to I don't I don't know whether personally I I haven't heard whether President Trump got that prophetic word or not however I sensed in that debate that that wasn't the regular President Trump my the 617 year old son said the same thing dad that's not that that's not the way President Trump normally responds and I think he responded in a different but yet per way just to let Joe Biden expose himself. I I think I think at whatever way I think God got to him. He did. He did. And I know I I as I I didn't watch the debate myself. I'd actually went into prayer alone. I actually separated myself from the team and I went back to my hotel room and I started praying on my own. And I saw some of the headlines and stuff you know and I saw some things come up and I just sat there and I had such a peace in my heart and I was just so gleeful because I knew that God was in control of that debate. There was not just there's not a normal debate. People were praying for this debate. This is not the first time I think everybody anybody has ever really prayed for a debate that I ever heard of. Um and they were praying for President Trump. They were praying to to paralyze everything that was against him to stop the attacks from him. That he would keep his cool. That he would keep his peace with it. And I just I knew that I knew that I knew that God was in control of that debate and it wasn't President Trump. And it was so amazing to see what God was actually doing and taking place inside that arena or inside that room where it was all stacked against him and God's like hey all you need is me. And that's and that's what you got. So it was it was very very I was very happy to see it but I and I I know a lot of people just like you. He was not his normal he was not his normal self. He was very calm and collective. Exactly what we got into that. Speaking that I I spoke to somebody that you and I both know yesterday and they talked directly with within the last couple days and he he told me that Eric and the family are seeking prayer more than ever they're open to it so they they see the spirit of the lord and prayer works they want to do more prayer revivals or whatever whatever to get more prayer around President Trump and the Trump family as a positive sign that was not something I asked they came and told me that the lord is really dealing with it he show me a lot of different things and as what we talked about last week the enemy always tries to stop certain things but God Will not be stopped. No matter the plan of the enemy, God will not be stopped and his when he had moved his hand just like Nebuchadnezzar realized and I was given out that prophecy this morning and he had me go back to King Belshazar and he had me go back to Nebuchadnezzar and had me go back to Pharaoh because it wasn't what any of them wanted, it was what God wanted and Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel chapter five and verse thirty-five, he realized noone was going to stop the move of God's hand no matter what and he came that realization or the realization of that and I think a lot of people are going to come that realization, it is God and God's plan. There's a lot of people out there that the Lord has been revealing to us that have infiltrated a lot of different camps and a lot of different ministries, a lot of different churches, a lot of different events and to take it down and that's what our assignment has been is to tear those assignments down and so we have been very adamant about praying against some of these different things and so and I I I'm telling you I feel such a relief compared to what it was last week compared to what it is this week it's like night and day of what the enemy was trying to do and what he is not getting away with and many different people's lives and many different things and it's just that's why he said you know I saw you this morning and then he he asked me first thing he's like you're glowing and I said yeah because it's God. It it truly is God and what he's doing in the midst of everything that the enemy tried to mean for harm. God is something good. He is. I tell you. You and I both we we had a long talk on Friday. Um the last week was was in the week before was there were some tough weeks. Some of the toughest weeks I've ever had. But that's all changed. This week it's it's completely light is coming. There is no doubt nothing can stop what is about to happen with the movement of God. Again I don't know how it's going to happen. I just know it's going to happen. It's going to happen very quickly. I will tell you so you said so the Lord has on my heart that I have to do more of those Holy Ghost and Fire events. I mean that's something that it's it's like it's it's in me. I have to do that. I have to do it and wherever God wants it. But I also have names of people that he wants included. And I am praying that that I have that opportunity to do that. I have opportunity to ask these people. Because I know he needs them to see this. He needs them to see this kind of power. And not to be restricted in any way shape or form. Uh so I am super duper excited about it because God is going to reveal to so many in higher positions what he's really like remember that one of that that prophecy last week I was given to you that he was given to President Trump and one of the things that he said my David I am that driving power to your stone and take out your enemies it will be a direct hit with noone not standing and he says see how I was with David and my word and with Goliath he couldn't have accomplished this victory without me don't you see I am what you have been searching for I'm your answer I'm the one that will not fail I'm the one that will not betray you I'm the one that you and trust. We talked about that too. This is something that he also said, I think it's so beautiful how God talks to his people. How God talks to his it just it's I love how he talks to him. I love how he talks to all of us. He said, let go of the control, let me flow, let me work because vengeance is mine. You'll see my vengeance at work my son. I have people here for you. I've assigned them to you in this time. Let them in for this unprecedented, unconventional take down and overthrowing of establishment that has embedded itself so deep in this nation. I will guide you Show you things only I know. I love that part. I know your enemies next plans and their next moves. You have been one step ahead of them more but just wait to think about how many steps ahead of them. You will be with me. This is the part. I am the one who set you free from what you see. So, trust in me and the ones that I have sent to you. This is a time to let me in. I will show you a power you have never known or experienced before. A power your enemies can't fight against. Let down your guard and you'll be glad you did say the lord of hosts. This is the whole part. What you just said was confirmation. God is saying, I will show you a power you have never known and a power your enemy can't fight against. That is the missing link to what they have been fighting against and God saying it's his power and he wants to show it to him and I know I have such last week I was burdened to pray over this. Yeah. Like I was overwhelmed to pray for this what God was saying that he needs them to see because I'm telling you and what we talked about, the enemy has been trying to stop that. Yup. The enemy has infiltrated in a lot of different ways that he was showing us to how they how the enemy navigated and so he was showing us some of these plans and so we were stopping it and we were praying against it I have such a peace now about it. I do too. I literally have an overwhelming peace that it's okay and that they will see what God needs them to see and he will, the ones he's chosen and the ones he's appointed to them, they will have that opportunity no matter what anybody else does or says about it and so, I just can't wait for them to see that power because I've seen it in a vision and it's something that will just relieve them of all that weight and pressure to to to that they won't have that weight on them to try to figure these things out and they realize this is truly God. It's not it's not us to figure this out. God just needs us to trust him and I think that was such a burden lifted off of them and that was a beautiful thing about that vision that I had. It truly was they got to see God for the first time really got to see him for who he really is and that's what we're praying for that they will have that opportunity to see that no matter who shows it to. It doesn't matter. All that matters is that they get to see God. Well, first hand from sources they've had taste of it now and they like it and they I don't say they like it they love it they want more of it so they haven't I don't think seen the entire glory of God and his overwhelming glory but they know it works and I've I've I've I've seen or heard first hand that President Trump is very very for this he's digging in more to the prophetic and as I said that that person we both know said that Eric more prayer around their family. They see it works. Yep. Mm hmm. One of the things we prayed about is that he would have more of a curiosity that President Trump would have more curiosity especially with that calling of David but especially about the prophetic and about what God has in store for him because it's far beyond what he realizes now. It's so much bigger than that. It's so much bigger than he is and I think God's just going to show em look I've I've appointed you and anointed you for this but I didn't ask you to bear the burden or the weight of it and I think it's because be so free to him once he taps into what God has in store for him and the power that God has for him and seeing the prophetic come to pass in his life I think is just something that's going to be just pushing him really over the edge and in a good way in a good way he's going to see he's going to see the real people from the ones who are not exactly and he is and I and we're praying that for all of them that they will really see it and I will say We've been praying for everybody that has been involved and that's closely related because there has been several different people that have been in their midst that shouldn't be. Um and that they will be revealed. Yep. As we have to pray for them. And again this is a time where we just have to be united as Christians and patriots that no division and of going after just little things. We just focus on the big mission of getting our country back in the name of Jesus Christ. That's that's it. And let let go and let God because God is God's got it. We just we we can't carnal minds just try to get in the way or try to play God and say well God maybe you should do it this way. No. Whatever way he's got in store is the best way and I trust it. Yeah. It's you know what? That's why when I know and I believe in my heart they will see who is really for the Lord by the fruits of somebody. By their action. It's not just by what what people do in front of a camera. It's not by you know what people just say. It's really what their actions are. It says actions speak louder than words. But I believe that God will be it'll be like a magnifying glass. They will just see it. They'll see what God needs them to see. And I believe that they're stepping more into that now with being open to it and I I said I I just I've seen God do so many things for them and I'm excited. I truly am excited for them. Um and what God's going to do. And there's so many prophecies that I have that has the Lord has shown about what he's going to do for their family and no matter what they're calling for like right now. I know they're calling for his assassination. It's amazing how many people are calling for that in the side of the left in this nation and in the other countries but I will read that prophecy. I know I have it up here somewhere where it talks about how they will have what they want with him and taking him out with an assassination attempt. Um he he warns the enemies of almighty God. He warns them more than once. He will not touch the hair in his head on him or any of his family members. He was very very specific about that. When I saw that come out. After the Supreme Court too, you know, again, most people don't realize the three three Supreme Court rulings that just out in the last what week of Monday being the immunity are absolutely huge. Immunity for President Trump or any president that doesn't that doesn't cover treason and sedition as the generals will you'll hear them talk about tomorrow. Um but the the petty stuff. Also pretrial. Under that ruling anything that comes against the sitting president has to go to a pre-trial. I think most people miss that. So you don't you don't go through these witch hunts or these trials and waste all the money and time and drama you you you they can go right to the Supreme Court to see if it's even worth going forward in trial so that that was huge then you have the 1512, which affects J6ers affects a lot of President Trump's cases and then the big one that most people are not talking about this is this is the death blow to the deep state the chevron case that three letter organizations in in in full time deep state bureaucrats can't dictate the law that's just was the law for 40 years and that's overridden and that has huge consequences from the IRS to CDC to the FDA all kinds of things. It's that was huge. So this is one and I know I've read to you several of them. I only have one up right now because I don't have time for all of them but I know a lot of your listeners have heard them that I've given out but this was from America, you are about to be shaken. This is from July 11th of 20 twenty-four. Now, Again, shaking doesn't mean it's all sunshine and roses and I want to remind people but it doesn't mean it's bad because this is just means God is going to reveal himself to his enemies and realizing that they're not in control. He's also going to show as God's people that he is the one who's in control and so that they trust and rely on him. Watch the Supreme Court a ruling is about to change everything. The deep state will not like it. Then, right after that, more evidence is coming. Yeah, it is. It is. It's about I mean it involves the immunity case. It involves a chevron case. It involves these indictments. It just it's like everything you can think of. Even the classified documents. All this kind of stuff. It just it's like a death blow to them and I know the Lord has had many different prophecies about the death blow to the establishment. But even he said they're going to tear themselves apart. They are doing it right now. I mean you can see it. You have some to keep by on there. You have some to remove Biden. You have some for Israel. You have some for Palestine. God they're turning on each other but when you see that when you see them so desperate like this in the in the panic mode because there's so many prophecies about them panicking I have so many of them too on the website that God has given they're panicking I mean I seen the faces of people I didn't watch their news like newstreams but I just see the faces like laughing even like Nancy Pelosi I was told had even talks came out of about Biden for the first time about his cognitive ability and and there's people in Congress calling for him to step down. There's there's governors that are going to meet with Biden to to talk him in stepping down. Uh you know, it they're they're trying to use all these excuses. He had cold oh and then he and then he traveled to Europe for 10 days, but even though he had 10 days of reprieve from Camp David. So that doesn't only work out. He literally had 10 days. Um so all of their lives are literally falling apart and people aren't falling for. Even the lamestream media at the White House the Press Secretary apparently she just panicked yesterday and well what about Trump and all kinds of I don't know what she said I didn't watch it turn around and left yeah she asked a question just left I mean what can you say I it's it's just the the thing that somebody said on social media yesterday it was the most concerning why did it take to a a debate and the fake news turning on Joe Biden for half the Democrats to figure out this guy is not he's not all there. Anybody paying attention it's it's been this way for a long time. So you know it's orchestrated to get him out. They set him up. He was 100% orchestrated. Remember that's why it was so perfect that God had me come out of the prayer retreat to give out that prophetic word specifically regarding the debate because he wanted to make known that look this is what they're doing. This is their plan. I'm going to give it out to you. And just all is calm. All is well. Don't freak out because people are freaking out about the against President Trump. And there was nothing to worry about. And he was showing people that. And that's why I love about God and the prophecies that he's been giving because they are just amazing to see where they come to pass like that especially that fast. Yeah they're coming to fast and again the Trumps are they felt that that again was not was sent to me out of the blue and they they welcome prayer. They want more and you know light winds. Prayer wins. Uh God has it and light winds. We're going to take a quick break and we'll be back with Wednesdays in Julie Green after this. Home prices have started falling across the country. The longest stretch of declines in more than eight years. Individual who crossed into our country illegally at the border last week can live rent free. I had a dear His Glory family follower call me at Creed's Basketball game by last night. What do I do? What where I put my money? Look at the market the the the market. You look at this the the crash. We know what the World Economic Forum is trying to do. All the big banks were at the World Economic Forum. I know the worst is about to come. One way to alleviate that is with what we do the annuities. Whether it be an IRA, a 403 B, a 401K, a pension plan, a profit sharing plan, you can roll that over into an annuity. There's no penalty for it. Yeah. Safe Harbor guarantees growth and safety. The best way to do it is if you go to His Glory. ME and go to Family Partners, my website is there. You'll see it. It's it's a state planning. Click it and it'll allow you to fill out a rule form. I just need your name, your email address, your telephone number, and I will be in contact with you within twenty-four hours. His It is critical that every American see this movie. It was very enlightening in waking people up and letting them know exactly what was going on that day. We hear so many lies you know over TV and seeing this film has shown me a lot. As our church seen it, as our pastor seen it because to me, every God-fearing person should see it. It needs to be shown. It needs to be said. The whole United States needs to know the truth. Looks like you've been sleeping well. Megan, he's back. The My Pillow Guy. And you're looking good. Still feeling good. Well, just when you thought it couldn't get any better, we've got the best pillow ever. My Pillow 2 point oh. When I invented My Pillow and had everything you'd ever want in a pillow. Well, now there's new technology that makes it even better. My Pillow 2. 0 as my patented fill combined with a cooling fabric with temperature regulating thread. My Pillow 2. 0 is truly the next generation of My Pillow. Now is the time go to My Pillow. com or call the number on your screen. Use the promo code to save 50 percent on your My Pillow two point oh. Not only that, for a limited time, your entire order ships absolutely free. You're sleeping even better. And cooler too. And you're looking good. Feeling good. I knew you would. Mike. At His Glory, we're going to reach a billion souls and every one of the seven mountains of his kingdom. We're at war and to win a war, we need the people in the trenches and the trenches are the kingdom builders. So why do you partner with His Glory? So that you can be a part of this billion soul harvest. It takes each and every one of us to do our part to reach His His Kingdom. All for His purpose and all for His Glory. And we're back. Wednesdays with Julie Green. Alright, Julie. Lots of prophetic going on. Lot of real stuff happening. Um we didn't talk about this big hurricane that's a Cat five burrow that's hitting Jamaica as we speak. They say one of the most powerful storms ever. Some sources say that that was engineered on purpose and at one point, I think Texas is in the eye of the storm that's supposed to hit Texas. So, that can change based on what what hits but this is a huge storm. That's another God talked about. Um it was unprecedented, unusual weather and so he talked about how they were manipulating weather. He's been talking about that for years and years. I think the last three years especially he's been talking about weather. We're actually going to get a prophecy fulfilled video out. Um it was going to be out today but because we're adding this hurricane barrel of burrow whatever his name is. Oh yeah. Uh yeah we're going to add that to it so I think it might be early next week but he's also mentioned Weather. They're causing weather on purpose for more distractions and and more destruction. Uh so we had to pray against weather like we had nasty storms that were coming this way. I mean they're talking about massive tornadoes that were and I'm like it got close to us and I was like I said in the name and I just started praying. I started praying over where my son lives because my one of my sons doesn't live in this town anymore. He lives near us but I prayed about our team. I prayed about my son where he lives. I prayed about us. I said they were going to fizzle as soon as they got into town. They would not do I mean, it was a perfect storm. It looked like it was massive. It looked like it was big. It was picking up speed and there's ample opportunities for different funnel towns and one of my team team members saw a funnel club near her house. She prayed for. She's like, I was outside. My neighbors thought I was crazy. They were looking at me. She goes, I was waving my hand screaming. This is the time where God's people had to know their power and know their authority even when it comes to storms. I don't know how many times I prayed against storms against us It's kind of unusual. I think in the beginning of July to have the weather that we're having in Iowa. Um you know it's crazy but again God has it. And that's why no matter if it's political. If it's financial. If it's regarding the the viruses that God's been warning about. No matter regarding the terrorist attacks. No matter what it is. God's got it. But we also have to pray into it. We have to have we have something to say and something to do about it. God's given us the power and authority. And so we have to use that authority but I have a prophecy that I I know I gave out on this channel but you want to know what it's called a political seat is about to be vacated. Hm. I wonder what political city's talking about. I just have that curiosity. Um I mean there is right now Macron is in trouble. You have Noah's in trouble. Is he? Well basically and a general you haven't met yet that you will meet sent me some information he's trying to vet but you had a a chance to see potentially the new flag of Canada. Remember when you were here? It's I saw a new one of France that rumored to be the next new flag of France under LePen's leadership. So we shall see. It's yeah but Macron's days are are are numbered. The the French are they're revolting. It's a good thing. Mm hmm. God said it was going to happen and he's been talking about Macron. He's been talking about his removal from the place of power. He wasn't going to you know leave what he wanted to leave. Uh Guy's the one who's removing him and you can see that coming to pass and Trudeau is next that Trudeau also happened to him as well Um you have guys been talking about the fall of the Biden for over three years. Uh so you have a lot going on in Canada. A lot going on in France. You have a lot going on in this country. The globalists are terrified. The establishment is being is I think the process yesterday the establishment is tearing itself apart. Um and so you're seeing it now. But this is goes because what we're seeing right now with the call for removal of the Biden. Uh and it says a sudden impact will strike your capital and shake all who are who are against me, they will see that this is my nation and that you are my children state the lower foes. So, stop right there for a minute. A sudden impact will strike your capital. I think part of that was also to the the revolt from the debate. Not even it was Republicans that are calling for his step down but now you have his own party and you have people. I think it's CNN poll. This is CNN poll. Like 2028% believe that he's capable of you know be staying in presidency. So I think it's amazing to see what they're doing. I mean it's 28%. This was sorry my dog. The question is what are those 28% people thinking after what they've seen? You'll never convince 28% of Americans then. That's that's that's pretty scary. Sorry. There we have people here and she's just going nuts. I don't have anybody else here to let her out of my office either so chuckly she's not **** she's you know she's being the toughest. She's trying to protect me even though she's you know she's six pounds. She can't hurt a fly. So yeah but anyway there are they are going to remove him. I don't know if they're going to do the 25th amendment on him. I don't know if they if he'll sit down on his own. I'm not really sure but God has mentioned the 25th amendment whether it be used on Biden or will be used on somebody else but a lot of things are going to shake and it will be more than just Biden's. Well Tom Fenton just said today that he has a source that has told him that Biden will be stepping down on Monday. We shall see. Wow. You know if that if that was a fake news source I wouldn't put any I wouldn't put any thought into it but usually Tom Finton he doesn't say stuff unless he's got something to back it. Um but we shall see. You know it's funny because I also heard that Joe Biden was not letting him step down. You also have Hunter wasn't letting him step down. I'm like they don't have any type of power to do that whatsoever and I guess they were in I don't know if they were in meetings in meetings. Don't even understand that. Um that's not traditional I don't think so. Now in these meetings there's confidential classified information that are spoke of and they don't he doesn't have a classified and speaking of that that's another thing that came up in last week. We see that the 51 so-called experts. Uh some of them were still on payroll of the CIA including the director of the CIA Gina Haspel. Uh General McInerney and General Valley and I spoke about that which will be out tomorrow about Gina Haspel. The CIA director was in on the coup. Wow. Yep. God said that. And God said he said it was going to he's going to remove the people from the top down. He was going to expose how they were part of that plan and how they were in control of it. I mean he's talked a lot about the CIA. You know we've we've also talked a lot about that in a lot of shows when the Lord has been talking about the CIA but also he's been talking about the FBI you know the FBI as well. So and then and I say all the the three-letter agencies like you said with that chevron deal. I didn't even know. I mean I'm not a legal scholar. So I had no idea what that meant. And I actually had to have a helped me out. I was like this is a really good thing. I was like well what is it? Yeah. And they're just like you know how the Lord's been talking a lot about the three letter agencies and the power that they've had and what they've done against our country. And they said this was basically taking their power away. And so this was another thing. I'm like this is what the Lord's talking about. He was taking their power away. I didn't know it had anybody through a Supreme Court ruling. Uh but that is pretty awesome and I'm I was excited about it so. Yeah that's that's that's absolutely huge. The the next question is where was Gina the night of the election. So that that'll that'll come out in due time too. She wasn't in the United States of America. Why? And where? So truth is coming out. You know the the prophetic word of the server. Go back to that. I wish I would had a camera on your face to see your eyes when you saw that. I was seriously. Well I started talking about servers and this guy kind of looks at me and he's like what? And he just was dumbfound. He did not he did not know how to handle that. He's like who told you that? And I said God? And he said really? And so he started talking while we were talking about it back and forth and he's like do you want to see this picture? Do you want to see this? This is where this is that you know this is this is what you're talking about. And I don't remember what he said where it was. But I said yeah you know God has this intel. And I said and you know I had I think the the one of the first times I was on with you. This was long time ago. They were like who is this person and where's she getting this intel? I was like, God because you don't know. I mean, I couldn't know these things. Just like I know Barry once when we were talking about that, he's had certain things that they're like, how does he know his information? Uh again, because the enemies don't know how we're getting this kind of thing and it's like, well, God knows it all and he knows the end from the beginning and he's telling off on your secrets. Well, what you saw what you saw in the natural not only confirmed what God told you but deeper than that. That's Project Hammer and more. That brings down everything if this gets out. I'm I'm told it's the lawsuits already started so it's public somewhere. I'll have to ask him because that last thing I want to do is jump in front of this. It let let it play out. This is another reason why we can't go out and tell people things all the time because it would destroy what they're working on because that's a pretty big deal. Yeah and I've mentioned, I don't even know honestly to tell you the truth. When he said hammer and scorecard, I didn't even know exactly what it was. I mean, I followed election stuff a long time ago but when he mentioned it, I I I was like, okay, I remember hearing about it but I didn't exactly remember what it was about and he was talking about the election but he also said he was not done with that election and that election was not going to stand and people think, well, you know, we're almost at another one. We just have, we just have to have another one in order to fix this. Well, you don't need another one to fix it and that's what God is trying to get across to his people. You don't need another one. It's not by the way of your government. It's not by the way of the normal. This is going to be different. And God is going to wipe out he said the big lie of twenty twenty. And then we're going to find all the other elections
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