Eternity Online Church Service - Complete in Him (2024)

5 months ago

Eternity Online Church Service - Complete in Him (2024)
Pastors David & Rosanna Palmer
Praise & Worship
Prayer for healing
Living word

CREATIVE MESSAGE: "Rebuilding After the Storm" - Rosanna Palmer
Encouraging, uplifting and informative message from Rosanna Palmer, including excerpts from her original songs:

Where Does My Hope Come From?
You Are My Rock,
He Who Dwells,

SERMON: Paul, The Holy Spirit and the Ephesians, Part 7,
"You Are Complete in Him" - David W Palmer (2024)

What Can We Learn from what Paul Wrote to the Ephesians about the Final Steps to Maturity?
Paul’s stated objective in writing to them:
1. Grace and peace
2. To show them how to access and live in “Every Spiritual Blessings”
3. That God Gets to Show His Wisdom to the Principalities and Powers
4. It’s always been God’s plan to do this for us
5. His Plan Was/Is to Do This through Jesus’s Salvation and Us Being in Him
6. We apply it First through salvation and Us Being in Him
7. Then through praying for the spirit of wisdom and revelation
8. Then, By Renewing the Spirit of Our Minds—putting of the old man and putting on the new man
9. Make Sure You are Born Again and Jesus Is Your Lord

Jesus, Lord, Father, God, Holy Spirit, word of god, living word, healing, wolves, preaching, teaching, salvation, born again, sinners prayer, grace, inheritance, in him realities, Ephesians, encouragement, faith, vision, Rosanna's Raiders, Rosanna and Dave, love, overcome, persist, victory, joy, spiritual warfare, bind the enemy, word of God, hope, faith, life, light,

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