Australia's Channel 7 Sunrise Mourns Sudden Death of Reporter Nathan Templeton

4 months ago

In April 2024 Nathan Templeton, 44yo, died suddenly whilst out walking his dog. He was a well known Channel 7 Sunrise reporter.

Channel 7's morning show Sunrise shared extreme government propaganda during the Covid era, promoting masks, social distancing, lockdowns, "vaccines", mandates and criticism of "anti vaxxers" as the way to protect against a rapidly mutating virus that floats on air currents for days at a time. None of their propaganda was supported by genuine evidence and they attacked and silenced anyone who attempted to explain authentic public health.

This had the effect of keeping most public health staff compliant, or departing their workplace to make way for those who would comply. Harms to the Australian population have been unprecedented. Learn more at
This document, authored by public health specialists including cardiologists, pharmacologists, scientists, data analysts and more, has never been shared by any mainstream media outlet and so the public largely don't know it exists.

Australia's Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) who authorised the dangerous products onto the Australian market claiming they were "safe and effective", receive 96% of their budget from the pharmaceutical industry. This directly correlates with the proportion of drug approvals they make (94%), rendering them useless as a drug regulator. The same phenomenon is seen across the western world, as shown in Table 1 here:

Meanwhile, those who allowed themselves to be used as propagandists for their corporate sponsors are now suffering harsh consequences. If this doesn't show the importance of the role of journalism, to air all perspectives in order for the truth to emerge, then nothing does.


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