Surprise Swarm Catch | Step by Step How to Catch Bees [Follow along with a beekeeper]

5 months ago

This video will show you what to do with a surprise swarm, step by step. We came home from the store to find a surprise swarm in our pine tree. Two of our hives weren't split this season and this is the result. Follow along with John as he deconstructs this monster surprise swarm. This is how to catch bees.

You watched us split hives in a recent video (, and now we'll show you what happens when you DON'T split.

To successfully catch a surprise swarm, it helps to keep a spare hive box and frames with old comb stored in the garage. In this video John shows us how he catches a surprise swarm using a spare box and frames with comb. Only tools needed are a pair of branch sheers and your trusty Kool Mesh bee jacket (available for purchase at our online store:

This surprise swarm could catch you off-guard unless you're prepared for it. As a beekeeper we must always be aware that the bees have their own timeline, and their own motivations. While much can be predicted, it's always nice to have the items needed at the ready. Central Beekeepers Supply has everything you need to build and support a growing hive of bees. Be sure to check out our online store to stock up in case you encounter a surprise swarm this season.

Products used in this video:
Kool Mesh Bee Jacket

Deep Hive body

Inner Lid


0:00 Intro
0:16 The story
1:00 John explains what's going on and removes swarm from tree

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