Galatians Chapter 6 - Marianne Manley

4 months ago

God is not mocked
Do not be fooled into thinking that God does not know who is serving Him in obedience to Pauline doctrine, because He does.
Sowing and reaping.
Works of the law by self effort reap corruption (they are useless, with no eternal value).
But those who walk in the Spirit produce fruit with everlasting value.
We reap a reward at the Judgment Seat of Christ (2 Cor. 5:10).
What the flesh produces will burn, but what the Spirit produces will last.
Only the fruit of the Spirit yields eternal benefit.
We need to stand fast (firm) in our position in Christ and to live by faith following our risen Lord's instructions through Apostle Paul.
New creatures have the Spirit of the Son of God and are in the body of Christ.
The "Israel of God" that existed in Paul's day died out in the 1st century.
We cannot be who God intends us to be without the Spirit of the Son of God.
A "fair shew in the flesh" is Jewish rituals. We are not under Israel's instructions.
Paul glories in the cross of Christ, not in what he can do in the flesh.
John 3:16 is about Gentile salvation into the kingdom on earth through Israel during Prophecy, and is not about Gentile salvation into heaven during Mystery apart from Israel.
John 3:16 does not mention Christ's death, burial, and resurrection for our sins in Mystery.
Today, God is saving all lost people (Jews and Gentiles) into the body of Christ during Mystery.
Satan does not mind if we follow Peter (and preach Israel's doctrine)
or mix Peter and Paul . . . for only rightly dividing Pauline believers are a threat to him.

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