The Final Battle will be over marriage

4 months ago

The Call to Fatima on their 25th Anniversary launched a new film titled:

"The Final Battle Will be over Marriage and the Family"

Venerable Sr Lucia of Fatima

The film on You Tube:
The Trailer on You Tube:

Dedicated to the late Sr Catherine Walsh - Little Company of Mary

This film is Without Prejudice and is a direct result by the late Mother Prioress Celina from the Carmel of Coimbra in Portugal, who asked Thomas the director and producer of The Call to Fatima - The Story and the Message, to tell all what he learned after spending many years converting the writings of Venerable Sister Lucia of Fatima into a double award winning films into 12 languages.

Thomas also had the good fortune to turn Fr Gobbi's writings - the founder of The Marian Movement of Priests into film

The burden to make this film on marriage did not come easy for the directors and they hoped and prayed somebody else would come forward. But Thomas and Solvita soon realized when chosen, much is expected, and was inspired based on Thomas's true story to tell the truth about marriage and place it on top of a hill for all to see as scripture states.

The Directors ask the viewers to pay particular attention to the chapters in the film

The Angel sends the first plague.

What took place on the Cross

Irish Constitution

Two Billion

Third Secret of Fatima explained

Fewness of the Saved

Prince and the Royalty

Only One Solution

Millions of souls are in grave danger of eternal death and the one solution that Venerable Sister Lucia states must be the way forward, despite the "culture of death" that has over taken the world according to Saint John Paul II.

The Call to Fatima films are created to help "all souls" to reach Heaven and avoid Hell as Our Blessed Lady requested at Fatima in 1917.

Directors wishes to thank so many for their patience, love and support to help make this film possible. They can never repay them in this life and they pray daily that God will bless them with many graces.

May God send abundant of graces and blessings to all who see the film free online. The directors asks to please take on board what the Popes, Cardinal, Archbishop, Priests, Venerable Sister Lucia and the saints are saying about Marriage and how to avoid sin at all costs.

The Final Battle Will Be over Marriage and The Family is created out of love to lead all souls to Heaven.

God bless and thank you all for taking the time to watch this long awaited film.

The Directors
The Call to Fatima

Fatima shop online


Tel +353 087 2229135

Go to your video links to watch

The film on You Tube:
The Trailer on You Tube:

This and many other films from The Call to Fatima are available free online -please consider giving a donation to help us continue this timely work.

Contact us by post

Thomas McCormack St Joseph's, Coolamain, Oylegate, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford, Ireland


Contact us directly to make alternative donation payment method.


0.00 The final moments of Sr Lucia’s death

1.47 Sr Lucia prophesy on marriage has come true

2.50 Women at the well with Jesus

5.40 Irish Constitution and Marriage

12.00 Only One Solution

16.00 Fewness of the Saved

21.53 How many would be saved in 21st Century

22.40 Brain Washed

27.00 Gravest of Evils

29.20 Salvation Sacraments

30.31 Two Billion

30.50 Third Secret of Fatima explained

33.07 Thomas you Tell Them

35.40 Marriage Mirrors the Most Holy Trinity

36.50 Time to Remove Sin

39.53 Here is the Good News

42.00 The Prince and the Royalty

43.00 The Angel sends the first plague

45.52 Sun Falls from the Sky

50.53 God gives us the Means

51.37 Pray

52.50 Never despair

53.20 16th Century Reformations

56.37 What took place on the Cross

58.36 Credits

60.00 Message from Cardinal Burke

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