Vatican - Proof that the Roman Catholic Church Worship Lucifer

6 months ago

The Jesuits in the Vatican are behind the enslavement of all people in this world, owner of all property including children as all Birth Certificates made us "Chattel", "bonded slaves" hence why we have a Cestui-Que-Vie Trusts (at least three of them - mind, body, and soul). It's why the white Pope (there's also a black pope and a grey pope) sits in between the fangs of a viper in the Paul VI Audience Hall, images the mockingbird media NEVER show on tell-a-vision.

The Vatican despises Christians, and that's why they were behind the US2020 Election Fraud as they hired the Galileo Satellite off the Italian Military to relay the US 2020 Votes to the Dominion Server housed in the US Consulate in Frankfurt, Germany...didn't the mockingbird media tell you about that gunfight in late 2020/early 2021? I wonder why, because deep-state CIA Director Gina Haspell too a bullet to one of her legs; the entire Italian Government resigned as a result of that.

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