How Communists Take Over a Country

5 months ago

Rothchild's stole land and created Israel: 1917
Jewish Bolsheviks took over Russia in 1917 [later renamed to USSR]
Killed 66M Christians+
Jewish Zionists started WW2
Killed 85M (mostly Christians)
Jewish won WW2 (Zionist Bankers)
Fall of Christian Nationalism
Jewish propaganda rewrote history
80 yrs later people start to notice

Remember the Nazis were also Jewish Zionists (FALSE jews aka Jew'ish), coming from the Khazarian-Ashkenazi, and the Nazi Zionists killed real Jews (non-zionists) for refusing the relocate to Palestine in preparation for the creation of the State of Israel. The Nazis were zionist jews, the Nazi zionist jews killed the real non-zionist Jews. This is why the Ashkenazi zionists controlled history, media, money supply and so on, they spent 75+ years crying crocodile tears NEVER telling you it was the zionists in Hugo Boss that persecuted the real Jews and embellished their numbers in order to gain world sympathy for the stealing of land from Palestine to create Israel (Is-Ra-El) in preparation for Albert Pike's (33rd Freemason) World War 3 where the zionists and Freemasons planned to build the 3rd Temple of Temple Mount and install the Anti-Christ. Who was their anti-christ? Barack Hussein Obama is my guess. We will find out when the war ends.

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