6 months ago

“Established by Lenin just six weeks after the coup of October 1917, the CHEKA was Soviet Russia's first political police organization. It’s evilness was beyond words.

Led by Felix Dzerzhinsky, a fanatical Bolshevik and ruthless operator cut from a similar mould as Lenin, the CHEKA ballooned from a couple of hundred investigators to a bureaucratic and paramilitary behemoth, containing more than 100,000 agents.

The CHEKA operated outside the rule of law. It acted of its own accord, investigated and arrested whoever it chose, and answered to no one.

The CHEKA became a model for 20th century secret police agencies in totalitarian states, including the Gestapo (Nazi Germany), the Stasi (East Germany) and the KGB (Soviet Russia).

It’s ironic that the CHEKA which was created and run by Jews, was to become the model in which the Gestapo was based on… 🤔🧐🤔”

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