Magna Carta Mexicans

6 months ago

Video topics:-
Andy Kaufman has debunked the triple E—“Eastern Equine Encephalitis”—did he do a good job?
“It’s for SCIENCE!”: the Jesuitical slippery slope into sociopathy.
Mass, mandatory schooling of children: because the government loves you? What’s the solution?
Johnny’s multiple horrible experiences with illegal aliens inundating his neighborhood by government/business invitation.
The open-borders agenda explained.
What’s wrong with “Nuremberg 2.0” as protection from the next round of virus tyranny?
The critical historical details surrounding the Magna Carta and why it can not be directly applied against tyranny as-is.
What is “Investiture”?
The power of a Pope over a King.
Derrick Broze, James Corbett, “Doctor Sam” Bailey and Christine Massey.
Who is behind “NAMBLA”: Jews or Jesuits?
What’s wrong with Walter Veith doing an in-studio interview?
Twitter-X showing you whether Jews are masters or patsies.
What happens when you give birth to a baby in a hospital?
Is a revolution even possible? How about China?
The Kaiju agenda.
What “right” looks like: how to handle generationaly-successful entertainment from Godzilla to Star Wars.
Feudalism in Japan
Did Sean McCann interview himself on the Trump ear-piercing?
“Satanic Ritual Abuse survivors”.
Alberto the series vs. Chick comicbooks.
Tudor Alexander and the Masoretic conspiracy.

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