Rapid Response Trump Camp Puts To Bed X Post By Harris 'Interns' Citing AP's 'Fake News' Vance Quote

6 months ago

Posted • September 6, 2024: During a campaign stop on Thursday, Ohio Senator JD Vance, the 2024 Republican vice presidential nominee, spoke about the horrific school shooting in Georgia on Wednesday, in which two teachers and two children were murdered by another student. As my colleague, Bob Hoge wrote, not only did the Associated Press mangle the factual wording of what Vance said, but the Harris-Vance campaign mimeographed it to commit what could charitably be described as a character assassination on former President Donald Trump's running mate: 🚨 The AP has officially deleted a tweet which deliberately misquoted JD Vance on school shootings as “a fact of life.” Vance said “I don’t like that this is a fact of life, but if you are a psycho and you want to make headlines, you realize that our schools are soft targets.” https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GWwqesuXQAAt4X7?format=jpg&name=large

Kamala HQ @KamalaHQ: “Our statement on JD Vance calling school shootings “a fact of life”” https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GWwmSnnX0AATNVl?format=jpg&name=large -- Hoge called it a disgusting display, and he nailed it in one word. Here, though, is the icing on the campaign collapse cake for Kamala. In contrast to the single-A, sophomoric work product of the Harris social media hooligan squad, Team Trump must have had its top-tier rapid response team on the clock tonight--because they didn't mess around and demolished that dumb post to smithereens: Here's Team Trump's spot-on response, which put the other folks' post right to bed: Trump War Room @TrumpWarRoom: “Kamala's interns just released a statement pushing FAKE NEWS that the Associated Press just retracted. Watch the full video and you'll clearly see that JD Vance does not say what they claim he said. These morons do nothing but lie every single day.” (…)

• More at: RedState - Rapid Response Trump Camp Puts to Bed X Post by Harris 'Interns' Citing AP's 'Fake News' Vance Quote
Twitchy: SHAMELESS AP Intentionally Misquotes J.D. Vance on School Shooting, Deletes Post After Narrative Is Set

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