Lavrov Lays Out Russia's Goals and Conditions for Peace At UN Security Council Meeting

4 months ago

Originally published on 26 January 2024.
00:00 Introduction
03:13 Observations about Lavrov's speech
13:11 Sergey Lavrov's speech of January 22, 2024

I forgot to mention two important points (sorry):

1. Lavrov’s point about the US investigating 1Billion USD of unaccounted weaponry is absolutely true. Even The Washington Post had to report about this ( Also Lavrov wishing the US inspectors success in finding the weapons shows to me how cool-headed the Russians are about the war and their aims in them. They don’t want weapons to go to the black market, they rather have them on the battlefield where they can take them out themselves.

2. Lavrov went himself to the UN and mentions the French mercenaries russia killed shows how serious they are taking this step of escalation and serves as a warning that they will trat foreign military personnel the way they are treating foreign weaponry, namely as legitimate targets to be destroyed. This is another one of these Russian “red-line” moments that they making as bright as possible.

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