Will Trump Go To Jail? I doubt it, But the Evil Doers ARE Trying...

5 months ago

Of course the evil doers controlling the U.S.A. are trying to jail Donald Trump. They are themselves under evil control and their orders are to stop any freedoms, to stop free speech, to stop Trump from being rightfully elected as The People obviously want.

I myself know that Trump is responsible for the lockdowns, the bioweapon jabs, that he seems to still be in favor of, as he has not called for their ban as he and every other politiican should be. No more "brought to you by Pfizer" on any channel, no more waivors of liablity for harms and deaths, no more mandatory childhood vaccines - Bobby Kennedy proved not one has been properly tested and when they do test they kill children. No vaccines are needed I have concluded. My grandchildren are not jabbed with God knows what and are obviously healthier in body and mind than children who are jabbed the 78 times.

Hopefully Trump will appoint Bobby Kennedy Jr as Health Director to end Big Pharma's strangle hold and genocide of our country and the world. To end any involvment with the W.H.O, W.E.F and U.N. To speak out against this global cabal and take it down- destroy these control freak liars once and for all.

Will Trump go to jail? I doubt it but just the fact 'they' are trying is pathetic and as far from American as possible.

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