Is Israel America's Ally? They need us, we don't need them.

6 months ago

UPDATE: I made an error in the video description. The first video clip shows Pastor Steven Anderson not Pastor Stephen Darby.

The 2nd video ties in with the 1st and was added for good measure. I customized this background. The captions were already added to the 2 videos that I could not proofread for you.

But that is a good question posed. We have been so conditioned to repeat it as if it were true. Well I can speak for myself on this conditioning regarding this Theocracy on the other side of the world we're are not allowed to say anything negative about. I'm no longer spellbound. I can see what I couldn't see before and it's the complete opposite of what I was conditioned to believe about them.

Everything we've been told about them and their creation has been a total lie and they continue lying.

I can be angry with my US government, even despise their policies. But I am forbidden to be angry with a foreign government for their actions? I am forbidden to say anything negative about them or else I get called names. They are not my country that I am a citizen of.

Is it true that most of our US Congress have duel citizenship with Israel?

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