Dr. Hovind Debate Classic Rutgers University Round 2

6 months ago

In this Dr. Kent Hovind debate classic Dr. Hovind again debate Dr. Robert Trivers professor of anthropology and biological sciences for Rutgers University in 2003

Video Timeline
Start - Dr. Trivers opening
24:15 Dr. Hovind's opening
51:05 Dr Trivers rebuttal
1:01:49 Dr. Hovind's rebuttal
1:12:12 Dr. Trivers responds & asks Dr. Hovind questions.
1:23:42 Dr. Hovind asks Dr. Trivers questions
Debaters Q & A One of the debaters will be asked a question then the other debater will also respond on that question before moving onto the next question.
1:34:40 Dr. Trivers can you explain how nonliving chemicals make the leap to DNA?
1:37:27 Dr. Hovind Don't chimps & humans share 90% or their DNA?
1:41:42 Dr. Trivers Doesn't evolution cause a inbreeding problem?
1:45:00 Dr. Hovind What evidence supports creation?
1:47:50 Dr. Trivers has new information being added to the genome ever been observed?
1:49:12 Dr. Hovind How do you account for the similarities between humans and apes?
1:51:58 Dr. Trivers Why doesn't the geological column appear anywhere in proper order?
1:54:35 Dr. Hovind Should creation be taught along with evolution?
1:58:11 Dr. Trivers Since there are so many fossils how come we don't have pictures of transitions between the species?
2:00:57 Dr. Hovind Doesn't Lucy prove evolution?
2:04:48 Video ending & call to repent

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