I Stayed in MrBeast's Nuclear Bunker

4 months ago

Mr Beast texted me hi and I was like Hey
and he said what you doing and I was
like chilling eventually he sent a huge
paragraph basically saying he has two
contestants in a survival bunker and if
someone doesn't come in and revive their
friendship he doesn't know if they're
going to make it to day 100 and win
$500,000 and I was like what do you what
next thing I know I'm on a flight to
North Carolina with a mission and that's
to make these two contestants best
friends so they actually make it to day
100 together that way they win a bunch
of money and they can see it from inside
the bunker which is cool hopefully it
doesn't catch on fire more on that later
this is where I'd say a cool line about
the challenge starting but Mr Beast is
here so I'm going to let him do that the
50 hours has officially begun I'll see
you in two
days I think it's time we all meet the
contestants player one is Hugo that's me
he lives in Las Vegas the man's a Taco
Bell fiend and apparently he hates rain
that's kind of a weird thing to oh oh
that's the other contestant okay I see
player two is rain hey she lives in
Texas like me loves beyon like me and
apparently hates Hugo so that's not good
but that's why I'm here consider me
player three Ryan's now in my bunker the
timer has started I'll see you in 50
hours you know what makes this
experience even crazier is that not only
do we have no contact with the outside
world I could not bring my phone in here
but also Mr Beast has like a 100 cameras
watching our every
moveo hey you you guys have a lot of
editors don't
you feel bad for them before I try to
make rain and Hugo BFFs they're only on
day 48 and I want to get a feel of what
it's been like down here big question I
have what's been the hardest part of
getting to day 48 oh I almost left on
day 40 yeah that was pretty wait what
that was pretty yeah so Jimmy came down
here and said at the top of the ladder
over there is $100,000 and if you leave
you get to walk away with that 100 Grand
and the other person won't be eliminated
but you would be abandoning your
teammate Hugo was about to leave but
rain gave him a hype talk where's your
mind where's your super R mine dude I
was happy stay though dang that's
awesome I'm really proud of you how
about a tour let's do it welcome to my
bedroom I decorated the walls what's
your situation like dorm room gu
practical mhm we continued the tour and
I saw their Hydroponics where they grow
Fresh Veggies like lettuce and other
things I'm scared to eat the dining
table how often you guys eat together
every day
that's great but I think I've got
something for Hugo and rain that I snuck
in my backpack that's going to be even
better oh my God they haven't heard
music in a while so I brought the good
Beyonce I Put Beyonce and pitb on this
MP3 player but let's get back to the
tour the bathroom shower bathroom as you
can tell there's not a lot of space the
final room is through an air lock to the
top floor which means this is what the
entire bunker looks like I drew it don't
judge me it's accurate here's the fish
fish tank The Fish Room might not seem
essential to you guys but I think it's
pretty much the only thing keeping Hugo
and Rain together at this point anyways
they're showing me one last thing as
part of the
tour bro what I know I can't believe
it next I spent some time bonding with
Hugo and Rain they gave me more
information on what's been going on down
here they you think we're going to lose
crazy wait are they just saying that to
be funny or they they actually think
we're going to lose I think they think
we're going to lose but why would they
think that well they they don't think
you guys are that close she's not my
friend I think my definition of friends
is just acquaint that's what I said I
what like acquaintances yeah that's what
Carl said he said one of you guys said
we're not friends we're roommates I
didn't say that dude that sounds like it
was written in a movie like that's a
fire line whatever there's one thing
that cannot happen while I'm down here I
cannot let the money burn into a million
pieces oh I should probably explain how
that would happen every day Mr Beast
presses a button to make an alarm go off
and the contestants have to put their
hands on scanners to make it stop but we
only have 30 seconds which means if I'm
too slow if I mess up and somehow I
can't get to my scanner in time to make
the alarm stop R Hugo's money Burns to
the ground so I think they want to make
sure I'm not going to make their money
catch on fire especially rain they're
going to show me how to wake up if the
alarm goes off in the middle of the
night this is Beast boot camp Beast boot
camp we'll also give him some other
scenarios too let's do it we are sleep
Hugo and Rain put me through training we
practiced all kinds of scenarios of what
we could be doing when the alarm goes
off that's a little slow we moved my bed
directly next to the scanner because
they don't trust me I think scenario 2
they literally made me sit on the toilet
and pull up my pants and Sprint to the
scanner you guys aren't losing his money
and a few other scenarios that are
probably unlikely to happen and now that
I'm done training it's time to see if
you go and re and accept me what do you
guys think no both of us we came to the
decision you're accepted let's go let's
go guys come on certificate of approval
look at that that's so valuable thank
you guys welcome in we did a sewer rat
photo shoot they're really excited about
my camera they've just been standing in
front of this security camera every day
and calling it a family photo kind of
sad all right first family
photo amazing oh wow okay okay the clock
is ticking time is passing I came here
on a mission for rain and Hugo to pass
the Friendship test I really have a test
but they're not ready so let's see if
they can make some bread
together the bread's looking good I
really wanted to get involved because
I've never made bread before but I
enjoyed watching them work together
that's so cool after that we all took
some alone time I did some reading yes I
can read and then I set up my camera to
tell you something okay this is my first
alone time in a while my understanding
when I came into the survival bunker is
that Hugo and Rain do not really like
each other and it's actually a threat to
them finishing this 100 day challenge so
far I can say that I honestly think
they're both amazing I genuinely cannot
fathom that they've been here for almost
50 days already and they're not even
halfway done I've been in here for like
5 hours maybe I already feel comfortable
with both of them which is kind of crazy
and I will say it would actually break
my heart if either one of them don't
make it to the end and win the money
rain is listening to a new Beyonce song
that came on the MP3 player Hugo is
chopping up some lettuce I'm going to go
try some of Hugo's
lettuce can I eat one of these lettuces
do you just eat it go for will we have
dressing and stuff dude I kind of want
to try it raw man is that crazy
no how do you like my lettuce you got
good lettuce Hugo thank you bro this is
so yummy I feel like I never eat veggies
we played some Uno at the dinner table I
eat some lettuce I also taught R and
Hugo how to play chess but eventually it
was dinner time thank you guys dude
thank you for coming so fun first bunker
chicken first bunker Meal
m that's really good yeah today 48 doom
boom this is really pleasant good thing
there's absolutely nothing that could
tear us apart at any moment at
all oh yeah the
button uh hold up rain check or check it
I guess I'm checking on rain well I want
her to check on the bread how's the
bread doing we should go check on it oh
yeah we should check on that good news
the bread is fine Hugo took it out
sliced us each a piece and we ate it
like true friends it might be the best
bread I've ever had
maybe it's because of who I'm with was
cringe can you give me a hug a side
hug the first hug I've ever gotten from
Hugo Dang if you saw what I just saw
that means we're making progress I'm
going to take a shower I don't know why
the robe is like that I don't know why
my butt is okay hopefully Haley's
watching no sorry that was weird
um anyway we are coming to the end of my
first night in the survival bunker the
alarm has not gone off yet you go and
Reigns friendship's looking good and we
are having an awesome
night what do you guys think the odds
are it actually goes off while we're
sleeping I think High very high if not
tonight tomorrow night for sure okay so
if we just clap lights are going to turn
off yeah so one thing we have control
over in
here oh my God all right good night guys
so cool good night
day 49 morning routine first in the
survival bunker we brush our teeth next
we make our bed Hugo makes a very small
amount of coffee but he shares it with
me today
49 a that's gas we warmed up some bread
from yesterday watered the garden I
can't believe they eat these we're
nearing the end of the morning routine
Hugo made me some oatmeal thanks Hugo
welc appreciate it it's crazy cuz I
don't know what time it is but I'm also
not in a rush you know yeah no I think
breakfast the rest of the morning was
quite simple rain did some walking you
go did some eating and I well I need to
talk to you the timer that you've been
seeing is not actually real it's just
edited so I don't know what time I have
remaining so I'm 25 years old rain and
Hugo are 25 years old and I'm actually
so impressed with them they're just on
top of it down here they're learning new
skills Hugo now understands Hydroponics
I don't even fully know what that word
means rain is learning how to make bread
Hugo started drinking black coffee
they're working out every day rain is
learning chess they're extremely
clean except for this room this room's
actually really really messy but we're
not going to talk about that they don't
live here I'm nearly halfway done with
my challenge they're nearly halfway done
with their Challenge and the job is not
finished I cannot leave this bunker
until they are absolute best friends
let's go hang out with them the alarm
didn't go off huge
win the alarm didn't go off
gosh I caught you you go just save my
life it's almost 24 hours that Ryan's
been in the bunker let's see how he's
doing come on in it's time for the first
button press but I'm going to wait until
they're very far away from the hand
scanners to press it and while we're
waiting to press the button we need some
Ride I'm not going to lie these are
good they're all very far
away oh go st stop stop stop stop go go
go how' that feel that felt
amazing hey good morning good morning is
it morning what time do you think it is
400 p.m. oh I forgot to wear my watch
come on I'm sorry I brought some Joy
Ride let's go there's a problem I
already ate this bag it's empty no Jimmy
but I'm going to come down and say hi
little did I know I was about to put my
entire reputation on the line oh do you
play chess yes all right we're in a bet
on this if I win nothing changes if you
win I'll drop three bags of joy ride
down let's go okay you got a deal you
got a deal I have never played Mr Beast
in chess but I've been practicing for
the past 2 years for this moment
according to chess.com he's still a
little bit better than me though but we
want joy ride so I got to win this game
I'm actually so nervous I've never been
nervous mhm dude Jimmy's actually good
at I've moved like three
pieces check check these nuts no no no
wait you blundered your queen oh
what wait was that always like that when
did that happen so I move here and then
you Checkmate me that's I think that's
what's going to happen Nolan get the Joy
Ride ready
Checkmate good game Mr Beast just take
your joy ride yes let's go guys yeah
I'll be right back like 5 minutes okay
we'll see you soon Jimmy Jimmy left he
he didn't come back not going to lie I'm
a little nervous about the Friendship
test I'm running out of time but I beat
Jimmy and chess which means means I get
to promote Joy Ride and if there's
anything that can bring people closer
together it's candy this is my candy Joy
Ride dang we don't have any pink
lemonade thanks Jimmy thanks Jimmy
thanks Jimmy hey cheers guys cheers boom
boom I'm glad they like joy ride because
it's come a long way since they entered
this bunker they've been in this bunker
for so long we've dropped four totally
new candies launched in Target and
celebrated Joy Ride day and they don't
even have a clue about my mission that
I'm calling the lime it will either make
Joy Ride the number one selling candy
and Target or the laughing stock of the
candy industry forever phase one was Joy
Ride day I'm calling Phase 2 Nationwide
because right now we are in less than
12200 targets making it statistically
impossible to become number one we're
competing with candy Giants that have
multiple bags of candy on every shelf in
America if we continue to climb the
ranks of the candy aisle for the next 30
days target has promised us a National
Rollout Joy Ride in practically every
Target in America my dream is that if a
candy with no fake colors or junk
ingredients can become number one the
candy Giants will follow suit and one
day all the candy and the candy aisle
will live in harmony but until then
we're in battle so join the climb go by
Joy Ride in Target today what are you
doing Jerry hey anyway just when I
thought we had made progress in their
friendship someone came down the bunker
to destroy it hello hello Jason dulu oh
my gosh oh my gosh Carl Carl is
here I want to help you guys decorate
yes okay can we do the toilet paper
don't be fooled by Carl for 1 second
he's not here to help he's here to pen
Hugo and Reign against each other don't
believe me watch this we have our pizza
and Carl is here now no pizza for me
that's very nice of you our first pizza
party first pizza party and the balloons
are up the toilet paper is up we're
ready for tomorrow Carl have you seen
any development in these two since I've
gotten down here if we're is this like
Ryan little bit really a slight decline
since I've gotten here why are you hater
look it's just that behind each other's
backs you guys talk a lot a lot of what
what are you saying I'm not saying
nothing Carl you can't just come pin
them against each other I'm making
progress in here oh it's pretty surface
level progress is what I'm talking oh
thanks so much for hanging with us
thanks for having me bye Carl bye guys
and just like that my confidence in Hugo
and rain's friendship has absolutely
plummeted the fact is I'm running out of
time I'm not going to be here for much
longer which means the Friendship test
that they know nothing about must begin
tonight we are doing a friendship test a
friend I have designed a series of test
to determine whether or not you guys are
friends enough to get to day 100 I guess
we're going to see if the beef is real
or not that's what we're going to find
out first things first I need to meet
you over here all right guys the first
test is a 60-second stare into each
other's Souls oh my God
sorry although it was a little awkward
they passed the staring contest with
ease how did that feel it felt good yeah
it did next up the trust fall who's
trusting who that's a question
go big
one good news everybody they trust each
other next up word association I'm going
to say a word and they have to say the
first thing that comes to mind are they
on the same page survival bunker chicken
salad dinner Ryan short Mr
Beast okay this is crazy this might be
unprecedented in the word association
game let's go elsewhere we're walking
over to the money because I'm about to
ask the question of all questions in
fact if they get this right about each
other I'm going to be certain that they
can make it to day 100 together this is
the final question all right and I think
this is really important rain why do you
want to win for Hugo I want him to win
because I mean this is such a crazy
opportunity for him and he's the biggest
fan of Mr Beast so he's got to win they
picked like such a good person for this
video so that's so true Hugo yes why do
you want to win for rain I know how much
her family helps her with her own life
her career like how much like effort
they've put into raising her and
literally giving her the ability to do
anything and she didn't give them the
money and maybe even a car or just
really better their life mhm so I want
to be able to help her do that for her
parents that's it I'm about to cry dang
man those were such good answers if you
guys can just remember you're doing it
for yourselves but also for each other
then this money is yours we taking it
home taking it home at the end of day
two I feel like we've made so much
progress but what Carl said is still
haunting me ready ready 2 1 oh and that
alarm could go off at any moment
we made it to day
50 yes all of us all three of us not
really being in this bunker for 2 days
has been kind of difficult I can't even
begin to imagine what Hugo and Rain have
been through to be in here for 50 days
but today feels special the alarm even
went off and we weren't even that scared
in fact I think we were having
fun honestly it's almost impossible for
me to know for sure if I made a
difference on their 100 day challenge I
mean I was only here for two of those
days but I like to think I did and
regardless of the money I hope they walk
away with a new friend or two see you
buddy I know I did you're going to win
this money you're going to make it to
day 100 and if you came from Mr BEAST's
video you know how this story ends but
my hunch is that the Friendship test
works I wasn't able to be here on this
day but I did get a text from Mr Beast
that said thanks Ryan with a rat emoji
and believe it or not that's all I
needed to
hear well thanks for watching be sure to
go to Target and buy Joy Ride we're
trying to become number one you know I'm
going to put pictures of you guys at
Target at the end of every video also
you can click here to watch a new one.

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