6 months ago

Written and Directed by Joseph Landreth-Smith. Everyday, God is speaking to us through many different ways. God loves to speak to us, how do you hear from God? How do you hear God's voice? Does God speak today? Through Prophecy, prophetic words and visions and dreams I think He does, the real question is are we allowing God the space and time and listening to Him? HIT SUBSCRIBE and LIKE this video
I'd been let down by some close friends, and feeling sorry for myself I went into a mall for a coffee. The coffee shop was on the second floor. I sat by a window and looked down on the busy car park. It was dark and it was raining, not the best outlook to lift me up. But all of a sudden a van drove slowly by, directly under the window. On its roof was painted one word in big letters: JESUS. Now tell me who else would've seen that word? It wouldn't have been visible from ground level... All of a sudden I felt very special and privileged. That was no accident.
This short Christian film (faith, religion, Holy Spirit, Miracles, vlog ) video stars my friend Matt, we are praying everyday for him as he recovers in Hospital, love you bro this is dedicated to you. EDIT: HE IS HEALED AMEN THANKYOU LORD!!!!

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