Himmler by Historian David Irving

4 months ago


Jul 27, 2015




Victims of Holocaust Terrorism

False Flag/Hoax/LIHOP Reading List
*2001 Anthrax Deception MacQueen
*And Nobody Died in Boston, Either
*Another French False Flag 11/13
*Chronicles of False Flag Terror
*Crying Wolf Hate Crime Hoaxes America
*From Orlando to Dallas and Beyond
*Historically-Documented Admissions
*NATO’s Secret Armies Terrorism Western
*Nobody Died at Sandy Hook Jim Fetzer
*Orlando False Flag: The Clash Histories
*Terror on the Tube: Behind the Veil 7/7
*We are Not Charlie Hebdo Freethinkers

Holocaust Reading List
*American Pravda Holocaust Denial Unz
*Debating Holocaust New Look at Both
*Did Six Million Really Die R Harwood
*Dissecting the Holocaust G Rudolf
*First Holocaust Origin Heddesheimer
*Hoax Twentieth Century Arthur Butz
*Holocaust Encyclopedia G Rudolf
*Holocaust Handbook Series G Rudolf
*Holocaust Hoax Exposed Victor Thorn
*Holocaust Industry Norman Finkelstein
*Holocaust Narrative E Michael Jones
*Holocaust Victims Accuse M Shonfeld
*IBM and the Holocaust by Edwin Black
*Ireland 1845-1850 Perfect Holocaust
*The Leuchter Reports: Critical Edition
*The Secret Holocaust Eustace Mullins
*Six Million Fact or Fiction Peter Winter
*Trotsky’s White Negroes Censored
*Unmasking Angel Death David Marwell

Military/Soldier/War Reading List
*Apocalypse 1945: Destruction Dresden
*Atomic Bomb Secrets David J Dionisi
*The Bad War Truth Never Taught
*The Best Enemy Money Can Buy
*Churchill, Hitler Unnecessary War
*Clash Civilizations Remaking World
*Conduct Unbecoming Gays Lesbians
*Day of Deceit Truth About FDR
*Devil's Game United States Helped
*Enough Already Time End War on
*Final Secret of Pearl Harbor Theobald
*Gruesome Harvest Costly Attempt
*Hitler's War by David Irving
*Jewish War Flavius Josephus
*Military Mind Control Story Trauma
*Military Necessity Homosexuality
*Neo-Conned Just War Principles
*Our Bodies Their Battlefields War
*Swords into Plowshares Ron Paul
*Vaccine A Covert Government
*War is a Racket by Smedley Butler
*The War on Terror The Plot to Rule
*What Soldiers Do Sex and the GI
*Where Men Win Glory J Krakauer

False Flag/Hoax/LIHOP Odysee

False Flag/Hoax/LIHOP Rumble

False Flag/Hoax/LIHOP YouTube

Military/Soldier/War Odysee

Military/Soldier/War Rumble

Military/Soldier/War YouTube

This guy is brilliant. He's been paying a heavy price for arranging letters in a row on paper.

One of the best WW2 historians of the world

Need I repeat ?. The truth does not fear investigation.

What he explained about travelling and what they done to him in Canada and America is shocking, if he's just a conspiracy nut what the hell are they worried about

It seems many David Irving videos are being removed from YouTube.

I can listen to him again and again. So interesting and gripping

This great historian is in a class of his own,... no comparisons!

"We take cash, checks, cards and promises to pay".
Much respect, Mr.Irving. A great man, I always hoped to meet him some day...

What is it that 'those people' - you know who I mean - are so frightened of? If this old Englishman is misguided and talking gibberish what possible threat can he be? Surely if he is wrong about this stuff he is just another nut case - and nobody would waste time on a crazy person - would they?

The simple fact that he is being persecuted by the 'authorities' proves that he is telling the truth and - more to the point - is gaining the support of thinking people around the world.

You can see via his face he has been through so much pain. Poor guy. Im sure there is a good place waiting for him in heaven.

@markmalic7450 (edited)
David Irving the epitome of the Ultimate Truth...
Can never fool a learned Man
Absolute Legend

It's magical to listen to this unique, priceless man. I'd love to go and hear him speak one day.

David Irving, a brave man just giving the truth.

you can see why he is so ostracised:-

• he is highly intelligent
• multi-lingual
• a conscientious researcher
• merely articulates on the facts

& finally... extremely brave...

i can see why the majority of people are scared / intimidated by such a man.

-Voltaire :"... It's easy to tell who is REALLY in charge,...it's the one your not allowed to talk about".

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