Johnathan Pollard American spy for Israel. Enemies foreign and domestic.

4 months ago

Well well well... wouldn't you know it, as I was putting this video together for you I find out that Dershowitz was Johnathan Pollard's lawyer too. He represented Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, and Israel.

The last segment is a short video clip of Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu welcoming Johnathan Pollard as he exits the plane in Israel. Netanyahu says, "What a moment. What a moment."

👉This is the Netanyahu Ben Shapiro said in a tweet, "I would gladly waive the born in USA requirement for presidency for Bibi" (Netanyahu).

👉Mark Levine tweeted, "Benjamin Netanyahu, a giant among dwarfs" AND "Netanyahu is the Winston Churchill of our time."

👉Dennis Prager, "Dennis Prager: If US abandons Israel, ‘that is end of America’

I customized this background and description and added the captions that I proofread. I took the article screenshots I included at the end of this 4 segment video.

****, May 05, 2021
Jonathan Pollard Was One of the Most Damaging Spies in US History

When Jonathan Pollard was convicted of espionage in 1987, he became the first American to go to jail for life for passing secrets to a U.S. ally. The top-secret information Pollard passed on to Israel is so vast and damaging, the complete list of files is itself top secret. He was sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole after 30 years.

There are few things both liberals and conservatives agree on these days, but keeping Pollard in prison for the rest of his life was one of them. Yet, he was released in 2015 and quickly made his way to Israel -- where he received a hero’s welcome.

According to the polygraph-enhanced debrief he received as part of a plea bargain, he was first recruited by Israeli intelligence to hand over information about military developments in several Arab countries between June and August 1984. Later that year, he traveled to Paris, where he was trained and tasked with preparing documents for his Israeli handlers.

Pollard agreed to provide the Israelis with American intelligence on Israel’s Arab neighbors, along with any information about the support they received from the Soviet Union.

Israel wanted to know about Arab and Pakistani nuclear technology, chemical and biological weapons programs, Soviet aircraft and air defense systems, as well as Arab nations’ deployment and readiness intelligence.

Pollard’s handlers also asked for “dirt” on any Israeli political figures who were providing information to the United States.

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