Gripen, F-16, KF-21, FA-50, Rafale, Tejas and Typhoon to compete for Philippines' MRF Contract

6 months ago

Defense Secretary Gibo Teodoro recently revealed that they plan to get more than three dozen Multi-Role Fighter (MRF) Aircraft for the Philippines, and there are already around six Candidates from four Countries and one Consortium for this planned acquisition for the Philippine Air Force (PAF)

This was initially released as an Article last September 6, 2024 at

#philippines #defensesecretary #gilbertoteodorojr #congress #multirolefighter #mrf #news5 #jas39gripen #sweden #unitedstates #lockheedmartin #f16blk7072 #fightingfalcon #simulator #demonstrator #southkorea #koreaaerospaceindustries #kai #fa50 #fightingeagle #kf21 #boramae #requestforinformation #rfi #dassaultaviationsa #rafale #heavyairpackageinsoutheastasia #pegase2024 #mission #france #india #hindustanaeronauticslimited #hal #tejasmk1a #eurofighterjadflugzeuggmbh #typhoon #f35a #lightningii #stealth #fighter #aircraft

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