Revolutionary Revivalists EP19: Filling The Empty Space! 🔥

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Last week we talked about expounding measures we must take to clear our lives of addiction, as well as how threatening and life-thwarting the addictions of the flesh afflict and destroy. There's one more key to finding the full freedom & complete transformation that God desires for your calling & future. So where is that key found? In the secret place! The secret place is where God delivers His word and reveals to YOU the hidden mysteries of His heart! A place where fruitfulness and life remain forever and life in the Spirit becomes one of joy overflowing to the fullest! This isn't for the complacent or doubleminded, for James declares in the scriptures, that those who ask in faith out of their pleasures are like a wave driven & tossed by the wind. Let us not be so, instead let us be ROOTED, founded, and secured in the King of Kings. He longs to touch, intervein, & love on us on deeper levels than you could ever think or imagine! If you're longing for that fresh touch today, & desire to replace that old wobbly ground & find a strong foundation, tune in tonight as we buckle up for a night of fire! 🔥🔥🔥

BardsFM and Resistance Chicks are proud to present the Revolutionary Revivalists! Wisdom and the POWER of God from the youth of BardsNation and the Resistance Chicks Family!
BardsFM and Resistance Chicks are proud to present the Revolutionary Revivalists! Wisdom and the POWER of God from the youth of BardsNation and the Resistance Chicks Family!
Join us LIVE for The Revolutionary Revivalists' weekly program on Thursdays with hosts Abigail Petersen and Leia Lumba! Be sure to subscribe and follow their Rumble channel! RevolutionaryRevivalists

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