ABORTION/Anti-life or pro death?

22 days ago

I want to be very clear.
I am not against a woman's right to choose.
I do realize it's her body and it's her choice.
I have never entered the ring of that fight and I never will.
However, if those same women can at least ad,
that abortion is indeed a cruel and inhumane gesture in nature
/in general.
Also, if they can have the conversation;
that if it's a woman right to choose, a man should also have the convenience to the same outcome.
In reality, that right to choose
is a right to kill!
Rape, incest, and the danger of a child or mother could be exceptions.
Not my point.
It seems that fathers are held to a higher standard,
but disrespected by mothers, women and the law.
Non life threatening abortion
is inhumane!

Thanks for watching.

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