The Fo0ol Kamala Woke Not Energy Vlog

4 months ago

The Fo0ol Kamala Woke Not Energy Vlog title is from the date Septem,beer 5, 2024 thus 22 The Fool card taking a leap of Faith Kamala might be but woke she is foolish most certainly as she kakles and talks in circles.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News showed us three amplitudes, the first a power of 22 at 4:30 AM UTC Thus the chariot careens wildly under the hand of the Fool Kamala. The second amplitude power of 26 at 5:45 AM UTC thus Temperance is needed when we come on strong and brave to face the foolish one. The third amplitude power of 18 at 10:45 AM UTC thus the Sun Shines upon the libra moon giving the illusion that the moon has its own light. The Libra Moon conjunct Venus in Libra a sign she rules. Teh libra moon then T Squares neptune In Pisces this is the sign that neptune rules. The quality is a power of 12 the Hanged Man card telling us to halt our actions sacrfice some of our time and change our perspective. The frequecny average is 7.69 hertz thus #22 the Fool card this time it the fool tampon Tim Walz. Not even his family will support him.

I pulled a kachina spread on something said in a recent sustack audio about multidemensionaql not beingreal. I worded it differently as is there multip;le dimensions in this Universe and I had the five of cups the empereor and the ace of pentacles which I e interpret as a solid yes we do have multiple dimensions in the universe.
therefore, we can say that Cliff is a fool about multiple dimensions I can come on strong and brave though might not be able to change cliff's perspective since he will not sacrifice his constructs not matter how foolishly he appears to me.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site:
Space Weather site:
Exopolitics TV Mary Rodman interview.:

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