WOW: Kamala Reminds Everyone How Much Democrats LOVE Segregation By Making THIS Policy Promise

6 months ago

Posted • September 5, 2024: Imagine the shiznit storm that would ensue if a group of white men sat around Trump telling him he should write laws JUST for white people … and he agreed. Cities would be on fire (again), the few statues we have left would be toast, and Target would get looted out of business. But since it's a group of black men and Kamala nodding along like an idiot at the idea of segregation we guess it's ok? Everything just keeps getting dumber. "You should write laws for black people. Don't group us in with everybody else." - "That's right." Kamala Harris wants to legally segregate white and black Americans. She is staking a position against equal protection. This is all kinds of wrong. All kinds of wrong doesn't even begin to really put what she's promising here into perspective. She would take us back to the 60s and think she's the good guy for doing so. Crazy times. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - WOW: Kamala Reminds Everyone How Much Democrats LOVE Segregation By Making THIS Policy Promise

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