EMPATHY can not be purchased

6 months ago


PLUS PLUS ADD Infinitum Amo, amare, amatum
like applause is never enough.
Everyone be born a genius.
Be why Your God be: insist on Free Will worship. Zero exceptions sorry.
Ergo, no prince has ever succeeded in disenfranchising his own folk for long. Especially their speaking with each other. Chat can never be Treason.
It takes conduct,. And there are empirical measures for the diagnosis of said conduct too also as well sorry again.

So, what is the point in winning the fruit of My own lies?
Trying a change My kids God invested sex with the subject child's fantasy.
Get this kiddies YOU ARE NOT GOD.
Even in your own universe.
Nn sadly it be My job a do it for ya n I be bored stiff near.
None a My Queens will have Us until You assholes be Fixed.
I hate this with every fiber of My being.
Yet I obey the Truth. I can not afford not to.

Anyone wanna show Us a comfy liar? At all?
Even once?
How about you Elong, n defective Leeeeeeech et al.
Omnipotent seeking fools on tap?
Why then do you hide Our exculpatory data?
Can We ask this is it allowed? I know you be so proud a yer doings you be too shame to show off?
Prove this with any other circumstance recent and I may even listen sum. Mind?

Those who fear the Truth are basically the wiggling dead. Disturbing the really ones in them grave.

Yes yer King yap off with Dead folk and bugs animals n birds n children pretty good.
Liars not so much. Liars never seem to like Us much. Only if they be forced to will they pretend to be open-minded at least.
Liars are the
Authors of confusion. Seeking the loss of others yet blind to them own loss.
Even if I up-suck $60 Billion fiat IOU's and hold them more vital for me than my own soul, both eternal and present time.
Is not a good look on My resume.
Nn remember My children not a thing gonna remain hidden both in heaven and in hell.
Both are eternal and present-time constructs.
Show me one baby wiggling born of boy?
Hugs B

just now
That is not toxic Masculinity it is plumb stupidity and ingnorant Blasphemy and a display what happens when folks not that bright ache to rule those who are. In other words their betters.
Only today in human history has this argument grabbed more than one-minute grip in any society save the USA thanks in large part to Oblammatz. He do not like Christians, nor real girls or Straight Folks.
He have issues causing him a ripe misery and like all little-hearted boys, he had a find someone to hate and blame for not making him his ego's idea of perfection.
This is why God wanna be first inn-yer life, not for his Ego juice OK HER these days, but to rob you of your own inbred ego-driven idiotic (i.e. life life-diminishing offering) hungers.
This is just one man's buggery infecting millions.
Only Free Will and Free Speach is the antidote to this infirmity of mind. So hopped up and propounded in the Empathyless idiot-prone offices of the mediocre pretending to omnipotence. And their farts smell Special. No kidding you wanna smell Nancy pelosi farts?
Then why pray tell suck pon her lies and her worship of plausible deniability.
One is what one eats.
Ever notice yet too?

Pay attention kiddies. Mind?
Part of My job is to rob you of your addiction to your loneliness-prone conduct of causing loss for anyone or anything.
Today with this King in town it gonna backfire as constantly as you can do the same stupid stuff twice for decade pon decade. Can We ever begin to be as bright as We was originally born to be? Again? Do you really prefer this life ripe in burning hell. Heaven and Hell have nothing to do with after one dies.
That too is poetry fools.
What else would one call life in the WEST and the Blaspheme State of isreal today? And the Almighty dollar is not so almighty no-more. That is only part of the price as selling myself as an idol to anyone let alone millions of My Queen's kids. Ever notice yet?

Warms DaddyB

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