Episode 53 – the Campus Free Expression Project

6 months ago

This week, UnityNow’s Toby Davis sits down with Jacqueline Merrill, head of the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Campus Free Expression Project, to discuss her team’s findings on key questions of viewpoint diversity and discourse on American college campuses. How does the social media-driven political tension of today compare to ’50’s McCarthyism and ‘80’s / ‘90’s political correctness? Do college students have more diverse friend groups, in terms of both ideology and demographics, than previous generations, or has there been a degree of sorting in recent years? And if most undergrads say they want to hear views different from their own, then where is the push towards censorship and de-platforming coming from?
As all of these questions and more are addressed, the two explore what solutions are available to encourage a diverse and open discourse on campuses. These include the Project’s own action recommendations on policies to implement and ways to promote them, as well as some encouraging success stories from both faculties and student groups across the nation!
You can find our guest’s bio here:
You can learn more about BridgeUSA, which was mentioned on the program, here:

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