289. Change How You Feel Each Day: Tips To Have More Energy As A Homeschool Mom

5 months ago

Every day as a homeschool mom can be full with the regular to-do list, home education, activities, experiences, meeting personal goals, and so on and so on. This requires you to be fully present and on for all that is happening in your day.

But, with a full day and many needs to meet, it can easily and quickly deplete even the most energetic homeschool mom.

To be honest, I failed in this area of having enough energy each (or most) days for too many years. I didn't know what I know now. If I could go back, I would definitely want a do-over in this area because I can see how not having enough energy led to me being tired and grumpy.

Today's episode is all about 6 ways you can re-claim your energy and feel ready to take on the homeschool day!

♥ Leigh

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