Overcoming Trauma in Extraterrestrial Encounters and the Emerging New Humans

5 months ago

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Mary Rodwell has worked on approximately 3500 cases of individuals having extraterrestrial encounters since 1995 when she began her research in Australia after emigrating from her native Britain where she worked professionally as a nurse and mid-wife. The catalyst for her new interest were two books authored by Dr. John Mack and Whitley Streiber dealing with extraterrestrial abduction cases.

In 1997, Rodwell created the Australian Close Encounter Research Network and has found that 85% of encounters experienced by individuals are positive, while 15% of her cases involve negative experiences. While she acknowledges that some of the traumatic experiences derive from negative extraterrestrial groups, the majority come from human military forces re-abducting experiencers and subjecting them to trauma in what are known as MILABS. She has helped individuals overcome traumatic memories associated with their abductions and integrate their extraterrestrial encounters in ways that raise their consciousness and activate latent DNA abilities. Also, many of the experiences she has hypnotically regressed remember past lives on different planets and have come to Earth to raise consciousness and become the foundation for the emergence of “New Humans.”

Rodwell asserts that she helps individuals understand their soul contracts with different extraterrestrials in order to help them integrate their experiences and memories. She believes that humanity is being genetically upgraded through extraterrestrial encounters that lead to changes in DNA and consciousness that result in the emergence of “New Humans.”

Rodwell responds to controversial issues raised by Dr. Michael Salla about different types of extraterrestrials involved in encounters and their respective agendas. While human-looking extraterrestrials emphasize the importance of conscious consent in making contact, others such as Grays, Zetas, Reptilians and Insectoids involved in abductions emphasize instead “soul contracts” and subconscious desires. She also responds to questions about the creation of Gray-human hybrids whom researchers such as Dr. David Jacobs believe constitute a threat to humanity.

Rodwell believes that the overall impact of extraterrestrial encounters are positive and are making an enormous contribution by helping in the emergence of “New Humans” whose heightened abilities and consciousness surpasses normal homo sapiens. She is very optimistic that in the immediate years ahead, there will be sweeping positive changes on our planet as humans continue to evolve and transform through extraterrestrial encounters and the effect of starseeds raising human consciousness.

Mary Rodwell’s main websites are: https://acern.com.au and https://www.maryrodwell.com.au/

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