Migrant Crime: Lawangeen Abdulrahimzai

6 months ago

The #HomeOffice has been spared an inquest into how a violent Afghan asylum seeker entered the country before murdering an aspiring #RoyalMarine, thanks to efforts by #Dorset #coroner #RachaelGriffin .

Tom Roberts, 21, was stabbed to death by #LawangeenAbdulrahimzai who had previously shot two migrants with a Kalashnikov rifle in Serbia while travelling to the UK.

#Abdulrahimzai told #BorderForce officers he was 14 when he was actually 19. He also claimed to be fleeing the Taliban.

He was placed into a secondary school in #Bournemouth #Dorset before being expelled for carrying a knife and enrolled in another nearby.

Rachael Griffin, senior coroner for Dorset that there was no need for a full inquest into the circumstances surrounding Roberts’s death.
#Abdulrahimzai was jailed for 29 years last year for Roberts’s murder in March 2022 following a trial at #SalisburyCrownCourt. He was reported for carrying a machete before his attack on Roberts over an e-bike.

RIP Tom Roberts.

It later emerged that the murderer was flagged as “susceptible to terrorism” by the Home Office’s Prevent anti-terrorism task group in 2021.


Will Bolton, "So many warning signs", The Telegraph, https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/so-many-warning-signs-asylum-seeker-posed-as-child-before-murdering-aspiring-marine/ar-AA1pZPWY

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