Ephesians 4:4-6 "Sevenfold Unity Part Two" 8/25/2024

26 days ago

We are all one in Christ…and have all been baptized into one body by the Holy Spirit.
Having the Holy Spirit dwell in us confirms that we are part of the body of Christ!
And although there are many diverse members of the body of Christ, Jesus is the common bond that unites us all.
Please note that we have all been made to drink into one Spirit…or the NLT says that we share one Spirit.
This is another way of saying that we have all been indwelt with the same Holy Spirit, which makes us all one in Christ.
The Holy Spirit is a member of the Godhead…God the Father…God the Son…God the Holy Spirit.
And God, the Bible tells us, is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
So, the same Holy Spirit that led the apostles through the Book of Acts still leads us today.
The Holy Spirit led, guided, empowered, convicted, and taught them…just as He does for us today.
This is just some free information.
The Book of Acts did not end with chapter 28; it continues to be written in the lives of every believer today.

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