Belgian Malinois dog apprehensively allows owner to check out injury☹️🐕

6 months ago

Yesterday the dogs and I went for a walk in the woods. They took off running after something like they always do. Peaches came back to me first in just a few minutes. It wasn’t long and cowboy came running back and then Jack dog. As they were walking in front of me, I could tell cowboy had a little different gate. By the time we got home I could tell that he was hurt. He went out back, so I went out to check on him and examine what wounds I could find. The only mark on him was that one little cut on his leg. But he would not put the leg down and walk on it. After I checked it out and found no other injuries and his leg was actually moving right. I gave him some anti-inflammatory and pain, medicine, along with some antibiotics. And put some anabiotic ointment on the wound but of course he licked it off immediately. it was late and there was no way of getting a hold of a vet to see if I had done the right things.
This morning cowboy is walking normal again. He is walking on the leg. So now it’s just a matter of getting the puncture wound healed up.
We will never know exactly what happened. He could’ve impaled himself on a stick or a limb, while he was running so hard. Or he could’ve got a hold of a beaver, possibly because I can sure leave a wound like that. As long as he is better is all that matters to me. 🐕❤️

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