Dating Figurine dating tradition

5 months ago


1.In a small village.
They have dating ritual.
Including artistic expression.
Artist makes figurines of people.
Artist selects which male and female.
Goes well together.

Dating figurine dating tradition.
Chorus lead1
Artist creates couple figurines.
Chorus lead2
Names of young couples.
Called out at dating event.
Artistic dating tradition

2.Artist walks around village.
Meeting the village young people.
Saying hello and having a talk.
At same time studying young people.
The young people characteristic.
Deciding creating young couples.

Dating figurine dating tradition.
Chorus lead1
Artist creates couple figurines.
Chorus lead2
Names of young couples.
Called out at dating event.
Artistic dating tradition

3.Artist goes to his workshop.
Starts moulding out of clay.
The young male and female.
Turning young couple figurines.
Once figurine clay and paint dries.
Then engraving names bottom of figurines.

Dating figurine dating tradition.
Chorus lead1
Artist creates couple figurines.
Chorus lead2
Names of young couples.
Called out at dating event.
Artistic dating tradition

4.Once a month, village has event.
Young male and females attend.
Parents come along as well.
Event person has couple figurines.
Calling out young male and female names.
They approach each other.
They decide to be together or not.
Most of them say yes.
Have good long relationship.

Dating figurine dating tradition.
Chorus lead1
Artist creates couple figurines.
Chorus lead2
Names of young couples.
Called out at dating event.
Artistic dating tradition

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